The Family Affairs Council is a governmental entity that caters to th...
King Salman Social Center (KSSC) is one of the non-profit organizatio...
Misk al-Qiyam Initiative is an initiative launched by the Initiatives...
Volunteer with Your Experience is a national Saudi volunteer initiati...
The Saudi Genome Program is a national Saudi program that aims to red...
Boulevard Riyadh City is an entertainment zone located in Hittin neig...
The Riyadh Front is one of the projects of Kaden Investment Co, locat...
WWE shows in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia began in the Kingdom for the...
Jeddah Corniche Circuit is a temporary auto racing circuit, on the Co...
Jeddah Yacht Club is a private marina for yachts in the Kingdom of Sa...
Savvy Games Group is a Saudi project to develop the gaming and e-spor...
Amaala Yacht Club is a modern marina for yachts in the Kingdom of Sau...