The Saudi Health Council is the entity responsible for establishing policies for coordination and integration among health service providers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established by a royal decree in 2002 under the name of the Health Services Council. In 2014, a decision was issued to change its name to the Saudi Health Council. The main headquarters is located in Riyadh, the capital. The council is chaired by the Minister of Health, with members including representatives from government sectors and pertinent entities.
The council studies subjects that bolster the advancement of healthcare services within the Kingdom and establishes regulations that foster coordination and integration among health-related entities to elevate and fortify healthcare, aligning with the concept of a world-class Saudi health system.
Saudi Health Council strategy
The Saudi Health Council works according to strategic principles, which include:
Developing health systems, enabling digital transformation, achieving financial sustainability, and improving lifestyle.
The Saudi Health Council coordinates and integrates healthcare
Suggesting health entities with healthcare needs and developing plans to operate them.
Adopting, operating, and supervising national centers.
Establishing and supervising national health committees.
Advancing human health capacities scientifically.
Developing human health capacities technically and administratively.
Preparing national health strategies and following up on their implementation.
Developing and approving therapy guides.
Proposing and monitoring national health laws.
Preparing and approving health regulatory guides.
Adopting digital solutions for the health system.
Establishing and supervising health records.
Establishing and monitoring health databases.
Conducting healthcare studies and research.
Raising health awareness among residents.
Creating metrics for healthcare and health integration.
Powers of the Saudi Health Council
The Saudi Health Council holds various powers and responsibilities, including crafting the healthcare strategy for the Kingdom and overseeing its execution. It develops and endorses a policy for collaboration and integration among all entities providing healthcare services, assesses and regularly reviews health policies and plans, and designs regulations for efficient hospital operation, ensuring their management is aligned with economic management principles and qualitative performance and quality standards. Moreover, it studies and assesses health service levels, identifies health sector needs, and recommends ways to distribute and qualitatively advance diverse health services across different regions of the Kingdom. It coordinates between government entities providing health services regarding establishing hospitals and specialized health projects and programs, studies laws related to health services, and proposes their amendment and development.
Members of the Saudi Health Council
The Saudi Health Council has members representing several entities, including:
General Administration for Health Services at the Ministry of Defense
Health Affairs at the Ministry of National Guard
Medical Services at the Ministry of Interior
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development
Ministry of Economy and Planning
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center General Organization
Saudi Food and Drug Authority
Saudi Red Crescent Authority
Saudi Commission for Health Specialties
Council of Health Insurance
Public Health Authority
Council of Saudi Chambers
Presidency of State Security
Centers of the Saudi Health Council
Nine specialized centers fall under the Saudi Health Council. They are: the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation, the Saudi Central Board for Accreditation of Healthcare Institutions, the National Center for Inclusive Growth Troubles, the Center for Health Research and Studies, the National Health Information Center, the National Diabetes Center, the National Cancer Center, the National Heart Center, and the National Center for Evidence-Based Medicine.
National committees at the Saudi Health Council
Fifteen national committees are affiliated with the Saudi Health Council. They are: Emergency Medicine Development Committee, National Committee for the Study of Expensive Medicines, Home Medicine Committee, National Health Committee to Deal with Cases of Violence and Abuse, National Committee for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, National Committee for Stem Cells, Planning Directors Committee to Study Future Plans for the Health Sectors, National Committee for Medical Rehabilitation, National Committee for Genetic Diseases, National Committee on Health Ethics, National Committee for Blood Banks, Committee to Follow-up on the Health Sectors’ Implementation of the System for Trading Breastmilk Substitutes, Dual Practice Committee, National Dental Committee, and Nationalization Committee in the Health Sector.
The council's established national committees study health and scientific matters referred by the general secretariat and the council. They formulate national health policies and standards, prepare and review legislation and laws pertaining to their scientific and health powers, develop scientific, awareness-raising, and educational training programs, and suggest relevant health programs, centers, and projects to the council for approval.
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