Public Investment Fund (PIF) Investment Portfolios include six investment portfolios, which the PIF developed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia following a review of the assets under its management. These portfolios are divided into four national and two international portfolios.
Objectives of PIF investment portfolios
Through its investment portfolios, PIF aims to achieve a balance that provides diverse sources for wealth preservation and income. These portfolios are designed to diversify income and liquidity sources through fixed-income investments, public and private equities, real estate, infrastructure, and alternative investments.
PIF identifies global investments as those made outside the Kingdom and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). In this context, PIF has established relationships with global investors, asset managers, investment banks, and global brokerage firms.
Geographic diversification of PIF investments
Through its global investments, PIF seeks to diversify its investments across various sectors, including healthcare, technology, real estate, infrastructure, consumer services, transportation, etc. Additionally, PIF seeks to diversify its investments geographically across various sectors by expanding its investments in North America, Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
PIF Investment Portfolios
Global diversified investment portfolio
This portfolio focuses on diversifying income and liquidity sources through fixed-income investments, public and private stocks, real estate, infrastructure, and alternative investments. The PIF's goal is to achieve a balance that provides diversified sources for wealth and income preservation.
Strategic global investment portfolio
This portfolio includes long-term investments aimed at establishing strategic partnerships through direct and indirect investments, contributing to expanding the Kingdom’s global impact and focusing on sectors related to future industries. Notable companies in this portfolio include AccorInvest Group, Jio Platforms, Lucid Motors, Magic Leap, SoftBank Group, Uber, and Reliance Retail Limited.
Saudi mega-projects portfolio
This portfolio encompasses five major PIF projects: NEOM, The Red Sea Global, Qiddiya, Roshn, and Diriyah Company. PIF leads a set of specialized initiatives aimed at developing mega-projects. It has established these initiatives to contribute to the growth of these projects, to empower them as economic ecosystems to support economic transformation and stimulate investment across various sectors in the Kingdom.
Saudi real estate and infrastructure development projects investment portfolio
PIF invests in real estate and infrastructure development in line with its growth and development aspirations. Through this portfolio, it aims to enhance its real estate assets and improve the quality of its infrastructure by developing tourism projects, housing projects, and attracting investments from leading development companies and foreign and local capital. This portfolio includes thirteen companies: Saudi Facilities Management Company, Rua Al Madinah Holding, Taiba Investments, Umm al-Qura For Development and Construction (Masar), al-Ula Development Company, Jeddah Central Development Company, The Rig Project, ASMA Capital, Saudi Real Estate Company, Saudi Arabia Railways (SAR), King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD), Soudah Development Company, and Boutique Group.
Investment portfolio aimed at developing and growing promising sectors
PIF utilizes this portfolio to play a stimulative and complementary role in the private sector by investing in new industries and developing human capital within these sectors. In addition, PIF has established companies in these promising new sectors, within its work through this portfolio to offer opportunities for the private sector to grow and enhance these sectors. Companies in this portfolio are Saudi Hotels and Resorts Company (Dur Hospitality), GDC Middle East, GCC Electrical Testing Laboratory (GCCLab), JASARA Program Management Company, Saudi Arabian Mining Company (Ma'aden), Power and Water Utility Company (Marafiq), and ArcelorMittal.
This portfolio also includes the Saudi Arabian Industrial Investments Company (Dussur), Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul), Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company (SRC), International Company For Water and Power Projects (ACWA Power), National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia (Bahri), Saudi Real Estate Company, Industrialization & Energy Services Company (Taqa), Noon Investment Company, Bidaya Home Finance Company, Saudi Global Ports (SGP) 'Singapore', Sela Sport Limited, Gulf International Bank (GIB) – Saudi Arabia, Saudi Jordanian Investment Fund Company (SJIF), Gulf International Bank, Arab Bank Switzerland, Swani Retail, Kuwait Food Company (Americana Group), Saudi Arabian Military Industries (SAMI), Badael Company, Elm Company, and JADA Fund of Funds Company.
Additional entities under this portfolio include National Water Company (NWC), National Unified Procurement Company for Medical Supplies (NUPCO), National Unified Procurement Company (NUPCO), Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company (SRC), National Security Services Company (SAFE), Saudi Agricultural and Livestock Investment Company (SALIC), Saudi Arabian Investment Company (Sanabil Investments), Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), Saudi Information Technology Company (SITE), Tahakom Investment Company, Saudi Technology Development and Investment Company (TAQNIA), National Energy Services Company (Tarshid), Tatweer Education Holding Company, The Helicopter Company (THC), Water and Electricity Holding Company (Badeel), Halal Products Development Company (HPDC), Cruise Saudi, Riyadh Air, Ceer, Saudi Coffee Company, and Savvy Games Group.
Investment Portfolio in Saudi Companies
PIF concentrates on investing in local companies, with its portfolio encompassing listed and unlisted companies on the stock market across diverse sectors. The fund seeks to maximize the invested and market value of Saudi companies through this portfolio, enhancing governance standards, capital management, and dividend distribution policies. Additionally, it closely monitors the execution of sectoral opportunities. Key companies in this portfolio are Riyadh Bank, Arab Bank (Oman) Limited, Arabian Industrial Fibers Co. (Ibn Rushd), Alinma Bank, Southern Province Cement Company (SPCC), Saudi Telecom Company (stc), Saudi Public Transport Company (SAPTCO), Saudi Ceramic Company (Saudi Ceramics), Saudi Electricity Company (SEC), Yanbu Cement Company (YCC), Qassim Cement Company (QACCO), Eastern Province Cement Company (EPCCO), Power and Water Utility Company (Marafiq), and Saudi National Bank (SNB).
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