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The Rig Project

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The Rig Project
2 min read

The Rig is a Saudi tourism leisure project in the ‎Arabian Gulf, established by the Public ‎Investment Fund on the 16th of October 2021. This project was ‎inspired by offshore oil platforms in the Arabian ‎Gulf, designed to attract tourists from ‎particularly the Arabian Gulf region citizens and ‎residents, and tourists from all over the world.‎

The offshore rigs usually represent a form of ‎wells drilling to extract oil and natural gases from ‎rock formations found in the seas. The rig is in ‎the form of a floating or seafloor-mounted ‎structure or as an industrial island. Based on the ‎nature of its work, the platform may include ‎facilities for the temporary retention of the ‎products and their processing before they are ‎transferred to the coast. Moreover, there are ‎housing facilities for its employees.‎

The Rig presents a new perception of ‎adventure, based on a maximum skill test and ‎extreme sports, such as jumping, gravity ‎challenge, water skiing, and diving.‎

The Rig facilities

The Rig has a region of approximately 150 ‎thousand square meters, providing sea sports ‎experiences including jumping and gravity ‎challenges, in addition to water skiing, and ‎diving. It also offers hospitality services where it ‎has 800 hotel rooms under the management of ‎three major hotels.‎

The project has about 11 restaurants with ‎different locations between land and below the ‎surface, as well as the largest multiple marine ‎gaming arena in the world.‎

Access to The Rig

The Rig provides various transportation services ‎to access its facilities, such as helicopters, fast ‎ferries, cruise ships, and yachts.‎

The Rig goal

The Rig focuses on maintaining the marine ‎environment of the Arabian Gulf, by practicing ‎global methods and using international ‎standards. The project aims to promote ‎innovation in the tourism and leisure sectors to ‎create various economic opportunities that ‎serve the development movement in the ‎Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.‎

The project is part of the Public Investment Fund ‎Strategy 2021-2025, aimed to enable innovation ‎in the tourism and leisure sectors within Saudi ‎Arabia as part of the Kingdom's Vision 2030.‎