It is a service launched by the Saudi Company for Exchanging Digital Information 'Tabadul' through Fasah platform, to meet the needs of business-to-business (B2B) and government-to-business (G2B) clients. It enables the digitization of payments and invoices in collaboration with Saudi Payments . Fasah Pay aims to accelerate and streamline financial trade processes for stakeholders through billing and payment operations, including importers, customs brokers, port contractors, shipping ...
Business incubators or business incubator programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are institutions that adopt newly emerging projects and establishments for a certain period, starting from six months and may continue for years, contributing to their support by providing several services that help their development. Types of business incubators 1. Virtual business incubator: It supports startups that need capital and advice to realize their business concepts. 2. Medical business incubator: It fo...
2017 The NEOM Project was announced as part of the aspirations of Saudi Vision 2030 . The announcement was accompanied by details about the nine sectors investing in the project for the future of human civilization (NEOM). 2019 NEOM Bay Airport received its first Saudia flight, transporting 130 employees for their first meeting on the project site. 2019 Saudia celebrated the inaugural commercial flight after a flight from Riyadh to NEOM Bay Airport and its successful conversion into a commercia...
The Multiverse program , implemented by the Center of Digital Entrepreneurship 'CODE' , provides entrepreneurs and investors access to entrepreneurial and technological communities around the world, including Silicon Valley and beyond. It offers services and programs that help entrepreneurs grow their businesses and innovations, as well as assist investors and their portfolio companies in reaching global markets. The Multiverse program services The Multiverse program provides access t...
The Arab-China Business Conference 2023, also known as Arab-Chinese Businessmen Conference 2023, marks the tenth edition of this event. Organized by the Ministry of Investment of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in partnership with the Secretariat General of the League of Arab States, the Saudi-Chinese Business Council, and the Union of Arab Chambers, the conference was held on June 11-12, 2023, at King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in the capital, Riyadh . Under the theme 'Collabor...
Culinary Arts Incubator 'Kawin' is a program launched by the Culinary Arts Commission of the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in February 2022, to support chefs, entrepreneurs, innovators, male and female owners of innovative projects, investors, and those interested in the sector. It is part of the Quality of Life Program , one of the programs of Saudi Vision 2030 . Services of the Culinary Arts Incubator The incubator offers a program to support entrepreneurs, che...
Dulani Business Center is one of the Social Development Bank 's programs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Established in 2015, it offers a range of non-financial services, such as training, consultation, guidance, and empowerment programs, targeting male and female entrepreneurs and owners of micro and small enterprises. It seeks to help them establish and sustain their projects on modern administrative, technical, and scientific foundations. 1 Dulani Business Center is headquartered in the...
Saudi Unicorns is a national program dedicated to supporting rapidly growing tech startups to become Saudi Unicorns by providing a comprehensive range of quality services. Launched in 2022, in partnership between the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Mohammed Bin Salman Foundation 'Misk', and the National Technology Development Program. Objectives of Saudi Unicorns The program targets two categories of rapidly growing tech companies that have received advanced...
Jisr System is a cloud-based system for organizing employee affairs and managing payroll digitally. It complies with the Saudi Labor Law and integrates with electronic human resources systems. The system was launched by Jisr, a tech startup in the HR technology sector, founded in 2016. The system contributes to improving business performance, and saving time and costs. It includes an application accessible to all authorized users, such as managers, department heads, supervisors, and employees o...
The General Authority of Media Regulation (formerly the General Commission for Audiovisual Media) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established several controls for the clearance of electronic games for commercial establishments. These include: the game must be pre-classified with the Saudi age rating by the authority, two new and sealed samples of the game must be submitted with the original packaging displaying the age rating obtained from the authority, and the establishment must have a val...
NEOM's Seven Senses Accelerator is a social responsibility initiative launched by NEOM to empower small and medium-sized business owners, freelancers, creatives, and artisans. Concept The concept of NEOM's Seven Senses Accelerator originated from NEOM's Social Responsibility Department. It aims to support entrepreneurs and startup owners in the NEOM project area in Tabuk by providing scientific and practical pathways that enhance their capabilities. This initiative enables t...
Entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia is the process that aims to improve and organize the performance of the business projects of the youth in a way that gives value added to economy and develops it. Furthermore, an entrepreneur is an individual who has the will and ability to fulfill a successful innovation out of a novel idea or invention. The beginning of entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia The Kingdom has recently began entrepreneurial activity because its main support was directed towards small a...