The Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine is a scientific Saudi association established on April 29, 1989. Its main center is located in al-Khubar city in the Eastern Province and is overseen by Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University. The society aims to develop family and community medicine services and primary health care in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by raising awareness in the community and facilitating communication among specialists in medical fields.
The society's implementing regulations stipulate that its activities are linked to the director of King Faisal University or his delegate. If the association ceases its activities, its assets are transferred to the founding university. When the society moves from the university to another location, all its properties and documents are transferred to the new location.
Objectives of Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine
The society aims to promote health awareness among citizens, provide primary health care for family and community medicine, train workers in the field, facilitate their collaboration and convergence, and enable knowledge exchange between entities and institutions within and outside the Kingdom, in the scientific production and development of family and community medicine.
Activities of the Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine
The society includes a number of committees, which are: the Strategic Planning Committee, the Continuing Professional Development Committee, the Media Committee, and the Continuous Education Committee.
The society has several activities, such as: implementing the continuous medical education program and issuing two journals on family and community medicine, one is scientific, and the other is in Arabic, available in both Arabic and English languages. Additionally, the society organizes an annual conference, scientific seminars, educational evenings, and lectures aimed at the community.
The society also participates in raising awareness among Hajj and Umrah pilgrims through health education programs. It contributed to the establishment of an alternative medicine information center in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah. The society also releases educational posters, brochures, visual and audio tapes, a series of periodicals, and annual reports that detail the society's activities. Furthermore, it contributes to the preparation of curricula for postgraduate studies in community medicine presented to the Scientific Board of Family and Community Medicine, and finances some studies and research beneficial to the specialization.
Partnerships of Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine
The society collaborates with national institutions, such as the Ministry of Health, the Jeddah Women's Charitable Society, Saudi universities, the Arab Gulf Program for the Support of United Nations Development Organizations, and King Faisal Specialist Hospital. It also cooperates with international institutions, including the High Institute of Public Health in Alexandria, the World Health Organization, the Egyptian Association of Community Medicine, and the Association for Medical Education in Europe.
Financing of the Saudi Society of Family and Community Medicine
The society relies on its funding from various sources, including donations, grants, and contributions provided by institutions, universities, or individuals. Additionally, it relies on the revenue from the sale of its publications and periodic bulletins, the seminars and programs it organizes, and the annual membership fees.
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