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List of Governorates in Al-Bahah Province
1 min read

Al-Bahah Province, the smallest province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is located southwest of the Kingdom, on the Sarawat Mountain range, with an area of twelve thousand km², representing 0.6 percent of the Kingdom's area. It is bordered by Makkah al-Mukarramah Province to the west and north, whereas Aseer Province borders it to the south and east. The city of al-Bahah is the seat of the emirate of the province that is administratively divided into nine governorates classified into two categories: three governorates are classified as Category (A) governorates, while the other six are Category (B) governorates. Classification is made pursuant to demographic, geographic, security, environmental, and transportation-related considerations. Forty-two centers are affiliated with the province, two of which are directly affiliated with the headquarters of the emirate.

Baljurashi Governorate

Category (A) governorate that has five affiliated centers.

Al-Mandaq Governorate

Category (A) governorate that has four affiliated centers.

Al-Mikhwah Governorate

Category (A) governorate that has six affiliated centers.

Al-Aqeeq Governorate

Category(B) governorate that has six affiliated centers.

Qilwah Governorate

Category (B) governorate that has five affiliated centers.

‎Al-Qara Governorate

Category (B) governorate that has five affiliated centers.

Bni Hasan Governorate

Category (B) governorate that has two affiliated centers.

Ghamid al-Zinad Governorate

Category (B) governorate that has three affiliated centers.

Al-Hijarah Governorate

Category (B) governorate that has four affiliated centers.