Zamzam Well is located within the Mataf area in the Grand Mosque in Makkah al-Mukarramah. It is positioned on the eastern side of al-Kaaba al-Musharrafa, approximately twenty-one m away, and aligns with al-Multazam. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH), described Zamzam Water as a blessed water and a cure for illnesses.
Al-Azraqi described Zamzam Well in his time as 'the depth of Zamzam from top to bottom was sixty cubits, and at its bottom, there were three springs: one spring next to the Black Corner, another spring next to Abu Qubais and as-Safa, and a third spring next to al-Marwah.'
Zamzam Well has many names, including Maktumah, Madhnoonah, Shuba'ah, Suqiya al-Rawaa, Rakdat Jibril, Hazmat Jibril, Shifa' Suqm, Ta'am Tu'am, and Hafirah Abd al-Muttalib.
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