What Did the Comprehensive Restoration Works of al-Kaaba al-Musharrafa Include?

The comprehensive restoration works of al-Kaaba al-Musharrafa during the reign of King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in 1996 were preceded by several procedures that served as preliminary steps for starting the reconstruction of al-Kaaba in the largest restoration operation during the Saudi era. These procedures included:
1. Removing the tiles from the walls of al-Kaaba.
2. Inspecting the exterior wall of al-Kaaba.
3. Numbering the interior stones of al-Kaaba to return them to their original places after restoration.
4. Removing the roof of al-Kaaba and its supporting columns to address any related damages.
5. Constructing a white wooden curtain around al-Kaaba al-Musharrafa to prevent the exposure of its parts except for the Black Stone.
6. Removing the historical marble plaques inside al-Kaaba al-Musharrafa and preserving them to be reinstalled after the restoration.
7. Creating a new entrance on the northwest side and an exit on the southwest side.
8. Allowing performers of Tawaf to observe the restoration process and informing them about the visible cracks in the walls.
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