King of Journalism Movie is a Saudi documentary film about the biography of Turki al-Sudairi (1944-2017), the editor-in-chief of al-Riyadh Newspaper in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The film is produced by Through the Light, and Light and Shadow Productions and directed by Hassan Saeed. It participated in the Saudi Film Festival . Production of King of Journalism Movie The production of the movie took two years, involving both preparation and filming. The documentary relied on several reliable d...
The Filmmakers' Program is one of the Film Commission's programs, within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Culture, to develop creative capabilities and talents in the film industry sector, in partnership with a number of educational and international institutions specialized in the field. The program aims to support talent, develop skills, and enhance passion among Saudi young men and women who are interested in the field. The Filmmakers' Program is part of the Film...
Filmathon Initiative is an initiative launched by the Film Commission to support the cinematic movement and develop the film industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was launched under the slogan 'Innovation in Filmmaking' on August 6, 2023, to embody the convergence of artistic creativity with the spirit of technological innovation. The initiative provides an intensive training program to enable participants to develop initial technological products that contribute to solving ch...
The Perfect Candidate is a Saudi film, produced in 2019, marking the first Saudi film to compete for the top prize at the seventy-sixth Venice Film Festival. It was selected to represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Oscars' Best Foreign Language Film category. It was the first Saudi film to receive support from the Saudi Film Council in 2019, and it also participated in competitions for Best Film at the Belgrade and London Film festivals. The story of the film The film is set in a su...
The Raven Song Film is one of the narrative feature films in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is directed by the Saudi filmmaker Mohammed al-Salman, and it is his first narrative feature film. The Film Commission, a commission affiliated with the Ministry of Culture, selected it to represent the Kingdom in the 2023 Oscars for the Best International Film category. The film was nominated based on criteria set by the Saudi committee for the Oscars, chaired by the chief executive officer of the Film...
Yes, cinemas are spread across about twenty cities in the Kingdom, such as Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Abha, and Taif. The number of cinemas reached fifty-six by 2022, totaling 518 screens. Over 1,144 films from thirty-eight countries in twenty-two languages have been screened, including approximately twenty-two Saudi films. Ticket sales amounted to approximately 30,860,956 tickets Cinema was present in the Kingdom since the 1950s until the end of the 1970s. The first appearance of a Saudi local f...
The Film Sector Development Strategy is a plan that includes a set of initiatives and programs to develop the film sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was launched by the Film Commission, affiliated with the Saudi Ministry of Culture, on November 28, 2021. It aims to consolidate the Kingdom's global standing in the field of filmmaking, execute projects and initiatives that benefit the sector and its partners, and foster growth in the Saudi film production industry, ultimately positio...
Film al-Ula is a film agency responsible for supporting and promoting local, regional, and international film and television productions in al-Ula Province. It was established by Royal Commission for al-Ula in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2020. The agency is a member of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) and follows best practices as laid down by the association, as well as the Royal Commission for al-Ula’s charter of best works practices. Film al-Ula studios In 2022...
Barakah Meets Barakah is a Saudi film produced in 2016, classified as a romantic comedy. The film was nominated for the International Academy Award for Best International Feature Film. It is the second Saudi film to represent the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the Oscars and marks the first Saudi participation at the Berlin International Film Festival. Storyline Actor Hisham Fageeh plays 'Barakah', a simple employee from a poor environment. Conversely, actress Fatima al-Banawi plays '...
Shadows of Silence ( Dhilal al sammt ) is a Saudi narrative film produced in 2006. It is categorized under realistic drama films and is considered the first long Saudi narrative film. It was showcased in several festivals and international cinemas and was nominated in the final competition of the Rome Film Festival in 2007, among fifteen films competing for the festival awards. At that time, it was the only nominated Arabic film. The film director, Abdullah al-Muheisen, was honored at the first...