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Awqaf Investments

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Awqaf Investments
3 min read

Awqaf Investments is a closed joint-stock company, serving as the investment arm of the General Authority for Awqaf in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is directly linked to the authority's governor and contributes to providing comprehensive investment solutions for the non-profit sector, based on clear strategic objectives.

Establishment of Awqaf Investments

Awqaf Investments was founded in 2018 with a capital of SAR10 million. The Riyadh-based company includes a board of directors, which is chaired by the Minister of Human Resources and Social Development. The company has five branches in the main cities covering all provinces of the Kingdom.

The company develops investment mechanisms for endowments managed by the authority, diversifies the investment portfolio, and seeks to achieve a return on investment by creating an investment strategy.

Functions of Awqaf Investments

Awqaf Investments manages investment funds and assets, and advises the General Authority for Awqaf regarding the implementation of investment activities and transactions, in accordance with the investment restrictions set by the authority. Moreover, the company seeks to achieve growth, financial sustainability, and diversification of income sources, in addition to providing the authority with consultation services regarding the implementation of investment transactions and activities, by the goals set by the authority.

Awqaf Investments purchases and sells securities in local, regional, and international markets, acts as a mediator in real estate activities on behalf of the General Authority for Awqaf, invests endowment assets and returns, and develops investment databases. Furthermore, the company markets, leases, maintains, operates, and manages the endowments, promotes the financial sustainability of the authority and endowments, and manages and minimizes investment risks.

Awqaf Investments strategy

The Awqaf Investments is centered on being a model to emulate in providing investment services for the non-profit sector, relying on three main pillars:

Maximizing the investment portfolio returns: By identifying investment opportunities with attractive returns to achieve financial sustainability and empower the company to play a pivotal role in the sector.

Contributing to opening new investment horizons in the non-profit sector: By providing value-added services including financial and investment solutions and consultations to various entities operating in the non-profit sector, to contribute to maximizing developmental and social impact.

Building the optimal institutional model for managing endowments: By focusing on achieving the highest levels of quality in operational processes effectively and efficiently, and achieving the highest standards of governance and internal control, which positively reflects on the services provided.

These pillars have resulted in six strategic objectives for achieving growth while maintaining excellence in providing services to the non-profit sector, namely: achieving optimal performance of the investment portfolio. Contributing to empowering and attracting new investments and strategic partners for the non-profit sector. Attracting and developing the skills of top human talents. Asset portfolio development. Providing consultancy services for the non-profit sector. Building a sustainable business model.

Awqaf Investments offering investment opportunities

In 2019, Awqaf Investments began a pilot launch of a range of real estate investment opportunities that the General Authority for Awqaf was interested in investing in, across various regions of the Kingdom. The company regularly introduces numerous real estate investment opportunities, which are announced through the company's website.

Awqaf Investments aims to develop the endowment sector to become one of the sectors contributing to comprehensive economic and social development, in addition to participating in achieving the targets of Saudi Vision 2030 related to the non-profit sector.