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Issam Bin Saeed

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Issam Bin Saeed
2 min read

His Excellency Issam Bin Saad Bin Saeed is a Minister of State and a member of the Council of Ministers for Shura Affairs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. His appointment was issued by Royal Order on January 13, 2022. He participated in the preparation of the Law of the Council of Ministers, issued in 1993, and chaired the committee formed to review the laws affected by the organizational arrangements of the judiciary and dispute resolution bodies.

His education

He obtained his Bachelor's degree from the College of Administrative Sciences at King Saud University in Riyadh City, where he earned a degree in systems. He also earned two master's degrees, one in Constitutional Law and the other in Public Law, from the Faculty of Law at Cairo University in the Arab Republic of Egypt

His career at the Bureau of Experts

Issam Bin Saeed's relationship with the Bureau of Experts at the Council of Ministers began in 1985 when he was appointed legal researcher in the Bureau of Experts. He was later appointed as an assistant to the head of the bureau in 2003 and then tasked with chairing the bureau until he was appointed as its president by Royal Order in 2007. He continued in this role until 2015.

His career

In 2015, he was appointed to the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing portfolio, and he was also appointed to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in 2016 and 2017. In 2021, he was appointed to the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah.