Seclusion (I'tikaf) in the Grand Mosque is a period of seclusion observed by worshippers who dedicate themselves to worship, remembrance, and recitation of the Quran, following the tradition of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him (PBUH). It begins in the last ten days of the month of Ramadan, from the twentieth day until the end of the Isha prayer on the night of Eid Al-Fitr.
Organizing seclusion in the Grand Mosque
The General Authority for the Care of the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque is responsible for organizing seclusion in the Grand Mosque through the General Administration of Guidance and Counseling, represented by the Seclusion Services Unit. It publishes a seclusion program on the authority's website and issues permits for male and female worshippers through its official website: www.alharamain.gov. sa Registration for seclusion is also available through the Nusuk app.
Seclusion (I'tikaf) locations in the Grand Mosque
Special sections are designated for male and female worshippers in seclusion in the Grand Mosque, surrounded by partitions in the basement of King Fahd’s Expansion. Lockers have been installed for their belongings, systematically arranged and numbered, with each locker equipped with a programmed and magnetic card. The lockers are positioned on both the right and left sides of the basement entrance. Separate areas for men and women are designated for storing permitted personal belongings. Monitors from the Guidance Administration are stationed at designated entry points, providing worshippers with pamphlets and small cards containing seclusion guidelines and instructions.
Prohibited and permitted items for seclusion in the Grand Mosque
Worshippers observing seclusion in the Grand Mosque are prohibited from bringing food, as they are provided with Suhur and Iftar meals. However, they are allowed to bring specific personal belongings, including a single prayer mat, a lightweight single blanket, a pillow, and two pieces of Ihram.
The General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque requires those in seclusion to maintain the cleanliness of the Grand Mosque and prohibits the use of Quran shelves for storing personal belongings or hanging clothes on columns and staircases. Worshippers must show reverence for the sacred place, avoid disturbing others, refrain from engaging in idle activities, and be mindful of performing Taraweeh and Tahajjud prayers with the imam. Seclusion is prohibited in the basement of the Masa’a to prevent obstruction for those performing Sa’i, and participants must ensure gender segregation and avoid family gatherings.
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