Aromatic plants in Taif include several types of mountain plants distinguished by their fragrance. They cover the summits of the mountains in Taif Governorate and large areas of its centers. Aromatic plants comprise the Taif rose, jasmine, juniper trees, basil, and lavender. The governorate is also renowned for its seasonal fruits, some of whose flowers produce fragrant scents.
Taif rose
Taif Governorate is renowned for its variety of aromatic plants grown in its agricultural and fertile lands. Roses are one of the governorate's aromatic plants. Their plantations are widely spread in the governorate centers and on its highlands. Rose standards amount to 1,144,000 standards, covering a cultivated area spanning about 270 ha. Roses production in Taif amounts to around 650 million roses annually, while rose distilleries exceed seventy factories and distilleries.
The Taif rose is known for its distinctive scent and colors. It is used for extracting perfumes, fragrances, and other products. It is harvested during specific seasons. Harvesting is based upon three stages encompassing picking, weighing, and distillation.
In 2024, the "Cultural Practices Related with Taif Roses" were inscribed on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Aromatic plants in Taif
Juniper trees are widespread in the governorate. They are known for their distinct fragrant smell. They cover most mountain forests and areas of the quiet countryside. They are also found in ash-Shafa Center and extend to the villages of Qawah, Al Hajjar, Al Jawda, and al-Marabei.
Moreover, mountain lavender, real mustard trees, mugworts, sweet-scented geranium, and rue, among other aromatic plants, are found in the governorate.
The dense presence of aromatic plants in the area is due to its suitable fertile land and applied irrigation methods. Seedlings reach their proper harvesting age two to three months after planting. They are then collected for distillation, perfume extraction, and other purposes. The area's inhabitants often use aromatic plants for flavoring hot drinks such as tea where some aromatic leaves are infused. Most of the mentioned plants are used to extract fragrance oils.
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