Taif rose water is produced through a process of cooking and distillation. In each batch, approximately 13,000 rose petals are placed in a special pot. Heat is applied underneath the pot, causing the steam generated from the cooking to rise and pass through a pipe in the pot's lid. The steam then enters a container filled with water, where it cools and condenses, forming droplets that are collected in a vessel called "al-Talqieh". Rose water is extracted after adding a certain amount of freshwater or al-Arus (the bride's) rose water.
Al-Arus Rose Water has a rose scent concentration of about 80 percent. "Al-Thanou" has a concentration of about 50 percent, while "al-Sayer" has a concentration of no more than 20 percent.
The production of rose water is a traditional craft, especially in Makkah al-Mukarramah and al-Madinah al-Munawwarah Provinces, notably in Taif Governorate during the agricultural season, when farmers harvest the roses. It is a popular industry carried out in simple workshops run by families who have inherited the craft of making rose water.
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