The National Gravity Network consists of a network of points covering the areas of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It serves to measure absolute and relative gravity values. It seeks to support and develop geodetic activities and maintain vertical reference frames and the Kingdom's geoid model. It leverages gravity-related data, such as those concluded from determining flood paths, monitoring volcanic activity, and correcting cadastral survey readings, and shares such data with users.
Elements of the National Gravity Network
The National Gravity Network comprises three elements:
National Absolute Gravity Network
The National Absolute Gravity Network consists of forty-one stations dedicated to defining the absolute value of gravity and measuring gravity values with a precision of ten μJ. The network leverages gravimetric techniques and instruments available at the network stations. The network was formed following the National Geodetic Survey Class II/Class I standards.
National Relative Gravity Network
The National Relative Gravity Network consists of 3,836 stations. These are dedicated to maximizing absolute gravity measurements upon applying relative gravimetric techniques and instruments with an enhanced precision of more than twenty μJ. The network was formed following the National Geodetic Survey standards.
Relative gravimeters calibration baseline
The relative gravimeters calibration baseline consists of fourteen measurement stations offering calibration services in favor of relative gravimetric techniques and instruments with an enhanced precision of more than ten μJ.
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