It is an initiative supervised by the Royal Commission for al-Ula, dedicated to developing and rehabilitating archaeological sites and natural and cultural oases in the governorate. The Journey Through Time Masterplan includes developing five cultural centers: Al-Ula Old Town Oasis, Hegra Archaeological City, Jabal Ikmah Oasis, Dadan Oasis, and the Nabataean Horizon Oasis, by 2035, aiming to make al-Ula a global cultural, heritage, and artistic destination.
These five cultural centers embody the legacy and civilization of al-Ula. Historically, al-Ula Old Town Oasis was a crossroads, while Hegra Archaeological City was the southern capital of the Nabataean Kingdom and is one of the sites registered on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization "UNESCO" World Heritage List. Jabal Ikmah Oasis represents an open-air library featuring ancient inscriptions and civilizations on the rocks of al-Ula. Dadan Oasis houses the Kingdoms Institute, an institute for discovery and knowledge. The Nabataean Horizon Oasis includes a number of rock formations that extend along the cultural and natural environment trail.
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