The Saudi Physical Society is a Saudi scientific society established on January 30, 2002, at King Khalid University in Abha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its purpose is to support collaboration among researchers in various fields of physics within and outside the Kingdom. It also aims to facilitate communication among those interested in physics through seminars and conferences in the field of physics and in physics teaching methods.
Interests of the Saudi Physical Society
The society is concerned with the field of physics and its specializations, including biophysics, medical physics, applied mathematics, physical chemistry, and optics, and it contributes to its development both theoretically and practically. The society consists of three sections: the student section, the teachers' section, and the research groups. The society includes approximately nine hundred physicists, including faculty members, teachers, and students.
Objectives of the Saudi Physical Society
The society includes a number of committees, including the Scientific Groups and Research Committee, Quality and Monitoring Committee, Marketing and Investment Committee, and Public Relations and Media Committee.
The society works through its committees to improve its performance and build effective relationships with governmental and private institutions, in addition to influential individuals interested in the development of physical sciences. It aims to promote a knowledge-based economy, raise the community's level of awareness in the field of physical sciences, and support professional specialists and enthusiasts in physical sciences both scientifically, morally, financially, and in terms of media coverage. Additionally, it encourages scientific research in the various disciplines of physical sciences by fostering competition among experts at the local and international levels.
Services of the Saudi Physical Society
The society prepares a periodic newsletter in Saudi universities about its activities and everything related to the physics departments. It offers several services, including introducing scientific physics concepts, enhancing the quality of teaching and learning physical sciences in higher and general education, and promoting scientific research in the field of physical sciences through conducting research, publishing its results, and exchanging them with scientific organizations. It also organizes scientific visits between universities and research centers within and outside the Kingdom and enhances the level of physical sciences curriculum in universities by exchanging experiences related to course content, scientific journals, and authored and translated books.
Activities of the Saudi Physical Society
The society conducts various activities, including providing scientific physics consultations to relevant entities within and outside the Kingdom, writing and translating scientific books related to physics, issuing a scientific journal for research in the field of physics, publishing scientific bulletins, journals, and studies, participating in scientific and international exhibitions, organizing scientific trips for the society members, conducting scientific competitions, and involving scientists and thinkers with relevant expertise in the society's activities.
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