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The College of the Prophet’s Mosque

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The College of the Prophet’s Mosque
2 min read

The College of the Prophet's Mosque is a scholarly Sharia college offering bachelor's degree programs within the Prophet's Mosque in al-Madinah al-Munawwarah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It aims to prepare students specializing in Sharia sciences. The college is supervised by the General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque.

Inauguration of the College of the Prophet's Mosque

The College of the Prophet's Mosque was first inaugurated on September 25, 2010. It includes five academic departments that offer bachelor's degrees. The college has separate sections for male and female students. The second inauguration was on September 9, 2015.

Departments of the College of the Prophet's Mosque

The College of the Prophet's Mosque contains five Shariah departments: the Department of Sharia for both male and female students, the Department of Quran and Its Sciences, the Department of Sunnah and Its Sciences, the Department of Arabic Language, and the Department of Creed. The College of the Prophet's Mosque grants a bachelor's degree in the Department of Sharia, which focuses on Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh) and its principles, aiming to train specialists in various fields of fiqh and its objectives to apply them practically, serving both the local and global community. Additionally, the Department of Quran and Its Sciences focuses on the memorization and interpretation of the Quran, preparing students proficient in Quranic studies and other Islamic sciences, to serve the local and global community.

The College of the Prophet's Mosque includes the Department of Sunnah and Its Sciences, which aims to serve and preserve the prophetic traditions, training scholars proficient in the Sunnah and other Sharia sciences to benefit the community. The Department of Arabic Language focuses on maintaining the Arabic language, the eternal language of the Quran, and its literature, aiming for its vocabulary to be a leading language within the community, preparing specialists in Arabic language and literature. Finally, the Department of Creed is dedicated to ensuring correct Islamic beliefs, refuting misguided ideologies, and training scholars in calling to Allah with a sound, moderate creed.

Admission requirements for the College of the Prophet's Mosque

Applicants to the College of the Prophet's Mosque must hold a high school diploma or its equivalent from within the Kingdom or abroad, have memorized at least five parts of the Quran, and their high school diploma should not be older than five years. Applicants to the College of the Prophet's Mosque must be citizens or legal residents. The college council may waive some requirements if justified reasons are provided.