Perfuming and Fumigating the Grand Mosque is the process of spreading incense in the prayer areas of the Grand Mosque, and daily anointing the walls of the Kaaba, its covering, the Yamani Corner, and the Black Stone with various types of luxurious perfume. This practice is a manifestation of the reverence for the House of Allah and the Holy Kaaba.
Method of Perfuming and Fumigating the Grand Mosque
The process of perfuming the Black Stone and the Multazam with premium oud oil is repeated five times daily. Sixty incense burners have been allocated for daily perfuming of the Grand Mosque, with an average of sixty kg of premium incense per month, through a unit dedicated to perfume and incense within the General Presidency of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque. The number of weekly perfuming rounds exceeds thirty-five, during which more than one kg of premium natural oud and an additional 120 g of pure oud oil are used.
Types of perfumes and incense used to perfume the Kaaba
The perfume and incense unit anoints the walls of the Kaaba with types of premium aged oud, Sioufi, Kalimantan incense, and Maruki Double Super incense. Daily, twenty tola are consumed for the Black Stone, the Multazam, and the Yamani Corner, with each tola amounting to twelve g.
Perfuming and fumigating the Grand Mosque during Ramadan
The process of perfuming the Grand Mosque is intensified during the month of Ramadan, especially on the night of the Quran completion. Fifteen employees incense all areas of the Grand Mosque around the clock and at different times. Additionally, the Black Stone and the Multazam are perfumed with premium oud oil five times daily, and the covering of the Kaaba is also perfumed. The perfuming process consumes about thirty kg of various types of premium oud oil monthly, and 350 kg annually of various types of premium oud.
The General Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque prepares special incense burners that use premium types of incense and excellent 'Qarad' charcoal, which retains its glow and heat without sparks or odor. The incense burners used are made of al-Kulandi copper plated with silver water and have perforated covers to allow the fragrance to diffuse, ensuring the safety of the pilgrims.
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