Hawtat Bani Tamim Governorate is one of the governorates of Riyadh Province in the center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 180 km south of the capital, Riyadh. It is bordered to the north by ad-Dilam and al-Hariq Governorates, to the south by al-Aflaj Governorate, to the east by ad-Dilam and al-Kharj Governorates, and to the west by al-Hariq Governorate. It is classified as a category (A) governorate, with nine affiliated administrative centers. It is one of the governorates with a small area in Riyadh Province, as it constitutes only 1.93 percent of its total area, and covers about 7,350 km. According to the 2022 Saudi Census, it is inhabited by 41,854 people.
Landmarks and services of Hawtat Bani Tamim Governorate
Bani Tamim Governorate is home to several historical monuments and sites, including the ancient castle of Imam Turki Bin Abdullah, founder of the Second Saudi State, in al-Hulweh center.
The governorate is connected to the rest of the provinces and cities through a diverse transportation network. Its residents and visitors use King Khalid International Airport in the capital, Riyadh, which is 186 km away. It is the closest international airport to the governorate, and serves about 28.5 million passengers annually.
Highway Ten crosses the lands of Hawtat Bani Tamim. It is the main road linking the west of the Kingdom to its east. It starts from its intersection with the coastal road to the west and ends at the Saudi border with the United Arab Emirates. This road is considered its main land transportation center and a means of access to and from Hawtat Bani Tamim.
Higher education in Hawtat Bani Tamim Governorate
Hawtat Bani Tamim Governorate is home to a branch of Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, which houses the College of Sciences and Humanities. It offers the following specializations: information systems, mathematics, chemistry, English language, Islamic studies, and Arabic language.
Shuaib al-Khodariyah Botanical Reserve
In 2018, the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture allocated a land area of 2,094,049 m² in Shuaib al-Khodariyah, al-Firaa center, which is affiliated with Hawtat Bani Tamim Governorate, to establish a natural botanical reserve. The reserve aims to preserve the province's plant origins, propagate plant seeds, and prepare it to become a park and natural open space for the community. The reserve is fully enclosed by fencing to safeguard its vegetation.
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