Mahayil Aseer Governorate is one of the governorates of Aseer Province, southwest of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is about eighty km away from the city of Abha, the emirate's province headquarters. Extending over an area of more than twenty thousand km, it is home to more than eight hundred villages and towns. It is inhabited by 230,537 people, according to the 2022 Saudi Census.
Mahayil Aseer climate
The governorate is about seventy km away from the Red Sea coast. Its climate is hot in summer, with temperatures reaching forty-five °C, and is moderate in winter. The average annual rainfall is thirty mm, with humidity levels reaching 18 percent.
Mahayil Aseer Governorate is the main winter destination for the residents of Aseer Province, due to its warm climate in winter and its location in the middle of the roads linking it to Abha and Makkah al-Mukarramah.

Agriculture in Mahayil Aseer
Agriculture is widespread in Mahayil Aseer Governorate. It relies on rainwater, torrents, and underground wells to irrigate agricultural lands. In the past, it was famous for cultivating grains, such as: millet, bajida, sorghum, and sesame. It is currently famous for the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, and citrus fruits, and has become one of the main suppliers to local markets in the Kingdom's provinces.
Popular markets in Mahayil Aseer
The popular Saturday market is one of the most prominent markets in Mahayil Aseer Governorate. It is no longer limited to Saturdays, as it is open daily now. Other markets in the governorate include: The Monday market in Qana, the Thursday market in Bahr Abu Sukaynah, and the Khamis Mutair market.
Valleys in Mahayil Aseer
Mahayil Aseer Governorate is home to a number of valleys, such as: Wadi Hali, Wadi Raala, and Wadi Murrah. Moreover, a number of parks are also located in it, such as: al-Hilah, Hulwah, al-Hawiyah, Jabal Hada, and Durm.
According to the level of civil services in the governorate, Mahayil Aseer is classified as a category (A) governorate. It has nine administrative centers: Tihama Ballasmar, Balhamr, al-Saeedat, Bahr Abu-Sukaynah, Qana, Khalal, Hameed al-Alaya, Khiyam, Habtan, and Taiah.
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