The Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) is a government institution dedicated to providing development support through concessional loans to finance development projects in developing countries. Its goal is to contribute to economic and social growth in those countries, helping them overcome challenges they might face and contributing to improving living standards. Over five decades since its establishment, the fund has financed about eight hundred development projects and programs across various ...
The Fund for Martyrs, Wounded, Prisoners of War, and Missing in Action is a dedicated entity that provides sustainable and diverse services to ensure a dignified and secure life for the families of martyrs, wounded, prisoners of war, missing in action, and their legal dependents. It also engages in charitable activities, with the rewards and benefits intended for them. It enjoys legal personality and financial and administrative independence, with its main headquarters located in Riyadh, the ca...
Thakaa Center is one of the innovation centers affiliated with the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority 'Monsha'at' to encourage innovation and adopt technology. Several centers are in different cities across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, serving all its regions. The center aims to empower startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to operate and utilize innovations in data science, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cybersecurity . Tha...
The National Development Fund (NDF) Strategy is designed to enable the NDF to play a pivotal role in achieving the economic and social objectives of Saudi Vision 2030 as a Development Finance Institution (DFI). The strategy was launched by the Crown Prince, Prime Minister, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of NDF, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, on March 14, 2022. Pillars of the NDF Strategy The NDF strategy focuses on coordinating development support by activating the Kingd...
The Environment Fund is a Saudi national fund, which aims at achieving financial sustainability and regulating the work of centers affiliated with the environment and meteorology sectors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. After the Council of Ministers approved its establishment, the Fund was established on 26 March 2019, while the responsibility for monitoring its work rests on the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture . The tasks of the Environment Fund The Fund works to implement s...
The tasks of the Cultural Development Fund in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are to support the sixteen cultural sectors identified in the Kingdom's National Cultural Strategy. This is achieved through developmental programs with financing mechanisms designed to empower the cultural sector in various fields such as content creation and development, education and training, infrastructure support, dissemination and marketing of cultural outputs, and the operation of cultural facilities. The tas...
Several specialized development funds and banks have been established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2017, the National Development Fund was established to enhance the performance of these funds and banks to better serve developmental priorities and economic needs in line with the goals and pillars of Saudi Vision 2030. The list of development funds and banks includes: Real Estate Development Fund The fund was established by Royal Decree No. (M/23) on July 1, 1974, to provide and develop di...
The Public Investment Fund (PIF) is the Saudi sovereign wealth fund and considered to be one of the largest sovereign wealth funds in the world, with assets under management exceeding SAR2.63 trillion. It is a pivotal factor in achieving the targets of Saudi Vision 2030 and the national economic transformation by contributing to the diversification of the economy and the development of emerging and promising sectors both domestically and internationally. The fund was developed as part of the...
The National Development Fund (NDF) is the fund responsible for boosting the performance of development funds and banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to achieve development priorities and meet the economic needs under the objectives of Saudi Vision 2030. Its tasks encompass adopting the mandates of development funds and banks, as well as their strategies, regulations, structures, executive plans, and applicable funding and loan mechanisms. NDF was established on October 3, 2017. It manages its...
The Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) is the entity responsible for supporting and funding enterprises, individuals, and projects operating within the agricultural sector, poultry and livestock farming, and fishing in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It seeks to achieve sustainable food security and preserve the environment and animal resources. Its headquarters is located in Riyadh, the capital city, and it has branches in the cities and governorates of the Kingdom. Establishment of the Agricu...
Saudi Industrial Development Fund , also known as the Industrial Fund, is a Saudi government fund responsible for supporting and financing industrial projects and facilities in Saudi Arabia to become a leading industrial power and an international logistics platform by enabling the establishment of new factories and developing the list through medium and long-term loans. Establishment of Saudi Industrial Development Fund Saudi Industrial Development Fund was established by a Royal Decree in 197...
Tourism Development Fund is a Saudi government fund dedicated to supporting and developing the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia. It facilitates the entry of investors to the sector from inside and outside the Kingdom, and its efforts are directed to achieve the National Tourism Strategy. Establishment of Tourism Development Fund Tourism Development Fund was established by a royal decree in 2020 to support the development of the tourism sector in Saudi Arabia. Its funding capital reached SAR15 Bn....