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Veterinary Medicine in the Kingdom
3 min read

Veterinary Medicine in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a medical specialization concerned with animal wealth within the Kingdom, focusing on their development and protection against both endemic and imported diseases. Additionally, it safeguards human health from diseases shared between humans and animals. Furthermore, it ensures the provision of safe and healthy food for consumers and upholds the principle of animal welfare. The College of Veterinary Medicine at King Faisal University was established in 1975 as the first veterinary medicine college in the Kingdom and throughout the Arabian Gulf.

Supporting veterinary medicine in the Kingdom

The Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture plays a pivotal role in supporting veterinary medicine by establishing clinics, laboratories, and veterinary quarantines to detect, diagnose, and treat animals; respond to, combat, and prevent diseases from entering the Kingdom; and ensure compliance with general health and food safety in slaughterhouses, clinics, private veterinary pharmacies, dairy, fatstock, and poultry projects, pharmaceutical companies, and vaccine and immunization centers

Saudi Veterinary Medical Society

The Saudi Veterinary Medical Society is an association that seeks the professional development of veterinary medical professionals in veterinary medical disciplines. The society was established in 2001, with its headquarters at King Faisal University, following the approval of the Board of Directors of King Faisal University.

The society implements workshops, lectures, training courses, and scientific conferences to achieve its desired objectives. It also works to ensure the required communication between all professionals in the field and all those interested in this profession.

College of Veterinary Medicine at King Faisal University

The College of Veterinary Medicine, one of the colleges of King Faisal University, was established in 1975. It harnesses its scientific and professional potential and capabilities to develop the veterinary medicine profession and advance it to levels that deem it a crucial contributor to the national economy and a significant promoter of local food security.

The College of Veterinary Medicine strives to enhance the pivotal role of both male and female veterinarians in safeguarding public health. They serve as the primary line of defense for humans, through their role in protecting society from transmissible diseases and ensuring food safety. This commitment stems from the principle of One Health, which recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. The College of Veterinary Medicine supplies the local and regional community with academically and professionally qualified veterinarians in various fields of animal medicine and treatment.

College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine at Qassim University

The College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, one of the colleges at Qassim University, offers advanced and accredited programs in agricultural, veterinary, and food fields. Its aim is to cultivate qualified professionals who can fulfill the demands of the job market. Moreover, the college conducts applied research and offers advisory and training services to the local community to contribute to fostering agricultural development and food and environmental security by adhering to standards and fostering partnerships both domestically and internationally.