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Al-Bukhor (Incense)

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Al-Bukhor (Incense)
2 min read

Al-Bukhor (Incense) is one of the special scents in ‎the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is a hospitality supply ‎used for welcoming guests. People use ‎incense on special occasions, weddings, ‎and feasts, and agarwood incense is one ‎of the prominent scents known in the local ‎culture.‎

Agarwood incense extraction

Agarwood is extracted from perennial ‎trees by cutting it in the middle and getting ‎the wood from the inside. The wood types ‎vary according to the trees' age, which is ‎between 5 to 10 years, though some trees ‎might age until 40. The older the tree, the ‎higher the quality of the agarwood.‎

The importance of agarwood ‎incense in Saudi culture

The agarwood incense is vital among ‎Saudis because they present the ‎agarwood to each other in occasions, and ‎sometimes people gifted it in a special ‎box. Agarwood incense is smelled all over ‎houses when expecting guests. Many ‎people use it on Fridays.‎

The agarwood incense types

Many types of incense are used in Saudi ‎Arabia, including agarwood incense, Taif ‎rose incense, Javanese incense, ‎sandalwood incense, and frankincense ‎‎"mastic" incense.‎

The agarwood incense includes many ‎types, the most valuable and the rarest of ‎which is the Cambodian agarwood due to ‎the difficulty of finding it. The sandalwood ‎is native to India and Southeast Asia. ‎There is also Indian, Thai, Filipino, and ‎Chinese agarwood, while blue agarwood ‎is one of the most expensive types ‎because of its high quality. The ‎clementine agarwood is characterized by ‎its rapid spread and stability. It has a ‎strong aroma, and its source is the ‎Indonesian islands.‎

The original agarwood incense is ‎expensive and has a persistent scent due ‎to the long time it takes to extract it from a ‎tree called the laurel tree or Aquilaria. On ‎the other hand, agarwood habitats and ‎places of extraction are in several ‎countries of South and Southeast Asia.‎

On the religious level, the Perfume and ‎Incense Unit uses the best types of aged ‎incense to perfume the Great Mosque of ‎Mecca and the Prophet’s Mosque in ‎Medina. The Unit belongs to the General ‎Presidency for the Affairs of the Grand ‎Mosque and the Prophet’s Mosque. The ‎incense types include Natural Maruki ‎Double Super and Clementine agarwood, ‎which are used to perfume the Kaaba and all the ‎mosque's facilities.‎