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The National Center for Assessment (Qiyas)

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The National Center for Assessment (Qiyas)
3 min read

The National Center for Assessment, abbreviated as Qiyas, is the entity responsible for preparing and conducting tests that measure the levels of male and female students in various knowledge fields in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, following specific scientific methodologies.

Qiyas was established in 2000, after a Royal Decree to establish it during the reign of King Fahd Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. It was initially named the National Center for Assessment in Higher Education and later renamed to its current title. The center affiliated with the Education and Training Evaluation Commission (ETEC) and has an organizational structure linked to it, in addition to several departments that regulate its affairs, such as technical, linguistic, and professional departments. Qiyas is one of five education assessment centers in the Kingdom: The National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment (NCAAA), the National Center for Training Evaluation and Accreditation (Masar), The National Center for School Evaluation and Excellence (Tamayuz), the National Center for Assessment (Qiyas), and the National Center for Academic Military Evaluation and Accreditation (DERA).

Tests offered by The National Center for Assessment

The center's test halls are located in separate buildings within the campuses of various universities across different cities and provinces in the Kingdom. Some are also located in facilities under the education department, or in venues determined by the center after the applicant registers and specifies the test type.

Qiyas specializes in providing a range of tests related to various areas, such as university admissions tests, which include: the General Aptitude Test (GAT), the Academic Achievement Test for the Science Track, and the Post-Graduate General Aptitude Test (PGAT). Additionally, it offers the Academic Achievement Test for the Humanities Track. The commission also provides educational tests like the National Assessments (Nafs), Formative Tests, and the Higher Education Outcomes Measuring Assessments.

With regard to language tests, the Center offers: Standardized Test of English Proficiency (STEP), English Placement Test (EPT), Standardized Test of Arabic Language Skills for Native Speakers, as well as the Standardized Test of Arabic Language Skills for non-Native Speakers.

Qiyas also offers an array of other professional tests, most notably: the Public Prosecution Test, Cognitive Ability Test, the Registered Justice Counselor Competency Scale, the Professional Tests for Chartered Accountants, as well as the Professional License for Educational Jobs test.

International Tests at the National Center for Assessment

Qiyas supervises several international tests within the Kingdom, such as: Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS), The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), and the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) survey studies. The center also provides custom metrics for social responsibility, talent, and creativity.

Tests at Qiyas are fee-based, with fees ranging between SAR100 and SAR400, depending on the test type. Some tests can be taken free of charge. Results for paper tests typically appear within thirty days, while computer-based tests have a maximum turnaround of fourteen days.