The National Center for Environmental Compliance (NCEC) is a Saudi governmental center dedicated to overseeing individuals, governmental and non-governmental entities, and enterprises within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established by a decision by the Council of Ministers dated March 26, 2019, with the primary objectives of enhancing environmental monitoring, reducing pollution sources, controlling the quality of water, air, and soil, studying the environmental impact, issuing environmental licensing, and conducting environmental inspections. Its headquarters is based in the capital, Riyadh.
NCEC develops and oversees the implementation of specialized action plans. It also develops initiatives, programs, and enterprises for oversight and environmental compliance. Moreover, NCEC devises and follows up on operational plans, and suggests environmental requirements, standards, and criteria related to its specialization and submits them to the Ministry for approval. NCEC monitors and evaluates the quality of environmental communities and controls pollution sources and their levels, according to the environmental standards and criteria. It also issues pertinent environmental licenses and permits as per relevant laws and regulations and promotes investments and financing in related fields.
NCEC organizational arrangements
The board of directors is chaired by the Minister of Environment, Water, and Agriculture. Its members consist of a representative from the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture who is a member and vice-chairman, in addition to a representative from the Ministry of Interior and a representative for accredited NGOs that are concerned with NCEC's scope work. Moreover, three competent and experienced members are also part of NCEC's board of directors.
Board members are appointed by a decision of the Council of Ministers after being nominated by the minister, i.e. the board's chairman. Their three-year membership is renewable only once. Furthermore. Government representatives may not have a ranking below 14 or its equivalent and the board's meetings are held at least twice a year.
The board manages NCEC's affairs and conducts its activities based on its bylaws. It also carries out other tasks, such as supervising and monitoring the implementation of tasks assigned to it, establishing policies related to its activities, approving its organizational structure, as well as the internal and technical regulations and procedures needed to manage NCEC's activities and periodic reports on its workflow. NCEC employs a Chief Executive Officer whose appointment and removal are determined by the board of directors. The CEO is responsible for managing NCEC affairs, with his responsibilities defined by NCEC's bylaws and the decisions of the board.
NCEC Regulations
NCEC has developed several laws and databases, which encompass a digital law for environmental licenses, permits, and inspections, a consolidated database for all entities involved in environmentally detrimental activities within different development sectors, the creation of an electronic platform to facilitate the issuance of import permits for materials falling under the jurisdiction of the Montreal Protocol, and the initiation of a chemical safety database and connect it with the High Commission For Industrial Security, with the goal of gathering data on chemical substances entering the Kingdom, overseeing their usage, ensuring their safe disposal in alignment with established regulations and laws, and promoting adherence to environmental standards.
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