King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language (KSAA) is a complex responsible for maintaining the integrity of the Arabic language and supporting it in speech and writing inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its responsibilities include serving the Arabic language globally, enhancing its civilizational, scientific, and cultural contribution, strengthening its potential through various means, and achieving the goals of the Human Capacity Development Program, one of Saudi Vision 2030 programs.
KSAA was established on September 1, 2020, in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers. It is headquartered in the capital, Riyadh, and possesses a public legal personality, administrative autonomy, and an independent annual budget, prepared and issued as per the arrangements for issuing the state's general budget. It is also organizationally affiliated with the Minister of Culture.
KSAA goals
KSAA aims to preserve the integrity of the Arabic language, support it in speech and writing, disseminate the Arabic language and its culture, facilitate its learning, unify the scientific reference internally with regard to the Arabic language and its sciences, and aspire to achieve this goal globally. Moreover, it seeks to create the appropriate environment and means to develop and consolidate the Arabic language, revive the heritage of the Arabic language through studies, investigations, and publications, maintain and disseminate linguistic references, research, and studies, and motivate scholars, researchers, and specialists in the Arabic language.
KSAA specializations
KSAA is specialized in publishing books related to the goals and competencies of the academy, in addition to issuing language dictionaries and periodic reports on the status of the Arabic language and its indicators, and approving, updating, and publishing linguistic terms through various means, and submitting them to government agencies for use. The academy also contributes to the work of Arabization and translation from and to the Arabic language, and enriches the Arabic content across social media in a way that improves the language scientifically and in the media.
The academy's responsibilities include approving the policies, strategies, plans, and programs related to its activity, considering the eloquence of the Arabic language, its origins, vocabulary, control, and rules, and facilitating its learning and teaching.
KSAA organizational arrangements
According to the organization of KSAA, the academy consists of a board of trustees headed by the Minister of Culture, and a three-year membership, extendable once, for ten experts specialized in the academy's fields of work, who are appointed by an order of the Prime Minister. KSAA also includes a Secretary General who manages the academy and represents it before the judiciary and other bodies and institutions.
KSAA sectors
King Salman Global Academy for Arabic Language's courses of action are based on the following four sectors: The linguistic policy and planning sector to foster entrepreneurial Arab thinking by establishing and activating linguistic policies and standards locally and internationally and disseminating linguistic knowledge. Moreover, the linguistic computing sector enhances Arabic data sources, accelerates the pace of scientific research, and uses artificial intelligence techniques in Arabic language applications. As for the educational programs sector, it adds a modern character to language learning methods, provides non-Arabic speakers with modern means to master the language, and places the Kingdom at the top globally in terms of Arabic language proficiency tests. Moreover, the cultural programs sector raises the status of the Arabic language, strengthens its cultural content ecosystem, and promotes the Arabic language among regional and international circles.
Linguistic Consultant platform in KSAA
In 2022, the academy launched the digital Linguistic Consultant (al-Mustashar) platform to promote the dissemination and use of the Arabic language. The platform provides free language consultation services in all vital fields for all segments of society. The platform's services include providing free accessible language information to individuals and institutions in spelling, grammar, morphology, rhetoric, literature, and general language. Visitors can ask questions and submit linguistic inquiries to be answered by specialized linguistic consultants. Questions and answers are displayed on the website, and a reliable scientific linguistic database is provided, as it serves to improve people's language level.
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