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Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships

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Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships
2 min read

The Saudi Center for International Strategic Partnerships (SCISP) is a governmental center that aims to consolidate the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts in terms of its international strategic partnerships with world countries to contribute to their building, enhancement, development, program coordination, and monitoring with relevant entities.

The SCISP was established pursuant to Council of Ministers Resolution No. (127) issued on November 21, 2017. It maintains an independent legal personality and is organizationally linked to the Council of Economic and Development Affairs.

SCISP objectives

The SCISP aims to enhance the Kingdom's global standing through such partnerships and to unify bilateral positions between countries based on the intersection of economic, cultural, or political interests, thereby enhancing its presence and global standing.

SCISP mandates

The SCISP has numerous mandates, spanning some fifteen specializations, chiefly: developing criteria and plans to identify partnership countries; conducting studies to establish strategic partnerships before activating them, following up their results, and supporting the development of related agreements; and working and coordinating with the public and private sectors.

The SCISP also examines and evaluates opportunities for such partnerships that achieve common goals between the Kingdom and countries around the world. Since partnerships require continuous communication, one of SCISP’s roles is to identify the objectives of official visits and coordinate their programs.

Its mandates cover the organization of various seminars and workshops to harmonize the Kingdom's common objectives with other countries, as well as organizing forums to serve as platforms for reviewing and developing partnership opportunities and discussing ways to strengthen such partnerships.

SCISP services

The SCISP provides its services on two tracks. The first pertains to the development of strategies for the Kingdom's relationship with partnership countries in cooperation with various entities. This involves organizing seminars and workshops in the Kingdom and partnership countries, preparing action plans, and preparing detailed and in-depth reports on partnership countries.

The other track is the follow-up and empowerment of strategic partnerships, covering several tasks, including the organization of partnership forums, preparation and coordination of official visit programs, following up on memoranda of understanding and agreements with partnership countries, developing portfolios of opportunities with partnership countries, and managing the Kingdom's relationship with the World Economic Forum.

SCISP achievements

Since its establishment, the SCISP has carried out a host of efficacies, including preparing official visit documents between the leaders of the Kingdom and leaders of other countries; establishing and managing the Kingdom's relationship with the World Economic Forum; preparing and implementing the Kingdom's participation in the annual Davos Forum meetings in 2018, 2019, and 2020, in addition to following up and activating a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding within the framework of international strategic partnerships. The SCISP also conducted a number of forums inside the Kingdom and abroad.