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The Research Vessel 'Thuwal II'

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The Research Vessel 'Thuwal II'
2 min read

The Research Vessel 'Thuwal II' (RV Thuwal II) is a regional scientific vessel dedicated to supporting marine research missions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including major projects and government ministries. Announced by King Abdullah University for Science and Technology 'KAUST' in 2024, construction is expected to be completed in 2026, making it the Kingdom’s first regional research vessel.

Capabilities of the 'RV Thuwal II'

The 'RV Thuwal II' provides full access to the Red Sea, including its coastal waters and deep-sea areas. It is equipped to explore key scientific interests in the Red Sea, such as coral reefs, marine life, and geological formations, enhancing the Kingdom's scientific research capabilities. The vessel creates an attractive environment for international research partnerships, promoting scientific collaboration and strengthening the Kingdom's global leadership in marine research, especially given the Red Sea's prominence in various scientific communities.

The modular design of the 'RV Thuwal II' supports various experimental laboratories compatible with current and future marine technologies for exploring the Red Sea. It is also equipped to integrate new green propulsion technologies, reducing its carbon footprint over time. In addition to its primary function as a research vessel, 'Thuwal II' can support national emergency responses, including oil spills, marine incidents, and aviation accidents in the Red Sea.

Description of the 'RV Thuwal II'

The Research Vessel 'Thuwal II' is being constructed by 'Freire Shipyards,' a shipbuilding company with over one hundred years of experience. The construction is taking place at its shipyard in Vigo, Spain, while its design was developed by the American firm Glosten. The 'RV Thuwal II' measures fifty m in length, 12.8 m in width, and has a draft depth of 3.6 m. It is designed for a thirty-year operational lifespan. The planning process involved dozens of stakeholders across the Kingdom, including major projects, government ministries, Saudi universities, and experts in ocean sciences and maritime operations.

The vessel can accommodate up to thirty people, including twelve crew members, with the remaining spaces allocated to researchers. It is equipped to explore the deepest points of the Red Sea and deploy a range of remotely operated vehicles and autonomous underwater vehicles. These technologies enable visual and acoustic surveys, water sampling, and seabed mapping.