The Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research is a center specializing in biotechnology in the fields of medical sciences, agriculture, environment, and pharmacy. It is one of four research centers at King Saud University in Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The center is funded by the Ministry of Education, and it was established in 2008.
Fields of the Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research
The Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research leads research, training, innovation, and interactive education between King Saud University and the Saudi community in the fields the center specializes in (medical sciences, agriculture, environment, and pharmacy). It has established synergy with other departments at the university.
Objectives of the Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research
The Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research’s objectives include localizing and transferring advanced biotechnologies, providing an inspiring and suitable environment for innovation, encouraging investment in biotechnology fields, and preparing qualified Saudi specialists in biotechnology. It also aims to directly apply biotechnology to achieve food safety and health, as well as use biotechnology to ensure food security and improve the environment and health security.
Funding of the Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research
The Ministry of Education established and funded programs to create centers of research excellence in Saudi universities, as part of efforts to develop scientific research and encourage distinguished research groups in modern technologies. The Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research at King Saud University was established with a funding of SAR45 million, to support biotechnology research groups in the fields of agriculture, medicine, pharmacy, and environment.
King Saud University has twelve research centers, including the Center of Excellence in Information Security, the Center of Excellence for Research in Engineering Materials, the Center of Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education, and the Center of Excellence in Biotechnology Research.
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