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Clean Combustion Research Center

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Clean Combustion Research Center
2 min read

The Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC) is a research center established by King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Its aim is to conduct pioneering combustion research to address future energy and environmental challenges. The center was founded in 2014.

The CCRC focuses on challenges arising from the combustion of fossil fuels, such as global warming and mitigating climate change, to develop innovative technologies for clean and efficient combustion and provide sustainable energy solutions beneficial to the Kingdom and the rest of the world.

Clean Combustion Research Center objectives

The CCRC aims to conduct research related to energy and environmental issues associated with fossil fuels, especially oil and natural gas. The center works on engine research and gas turbines to enhance processes and increase efficiency.

Among its objectives is the development of simple and cost-effective processes to produce clean energy through combustion, partial oxidation, or other methods that rely on converting chemical energy.

Clean Combustion Research Center activities

The CCRC comprises three main groups. The first group focuses on computer studies and modeling at optimal temporal and spatial scales, performing approximate measurements for real devices. The second group works on developing chemical kinetics models and mechanisms, and characterizing the steps of very complex reactions, such as conducting hundreds of combustion reactions to convert fossil fuels into water and carbon dioxide. The third group performs experimental measurements of physical quantities, such as temperature and velocity, and tests models and mechanisms in flames, as is the case in internal combustion engines.

Most of the combustion research conducted at the CCRC aims to achieve optimal energy use from fuels by innovating effective methods to utilize heavy fuel oils and eliminate oil residues that are difficult to burn, thereby producing fuel that is easy to burn, requires fewer materials, and is low-cost.

Clean Combustion Research Center mission

The CCRC works on studying combustion phenomena, developing innovative and efficient clean combustion technologies, and providing solutions to current and future energy and environmental challenges. It also offers a graduate research program aimed at educating and training leaders and experts in the field of clean combustion technology.

Clean Combustion Research Center specializations

The CCRC includes multiple engineering and scientific specializations that contribute to improving current combustion technologies and developing new solutions and innovations. Its research focuses on enhancing traditional processes, such as converting hydrocarbon fuels to obtain hydrogen fuel or hydrogen-rich fuels, along with carbon capture or utilization for the production of high-value-added materials.

The center includes several research facilities, including the High-Pressure Combustion Laboratory, Combustion and Laser Diagnostics Laboratories, Chemical Kinetics and Laser Sensors Laboratory, Engines and Fuels Laboratory, Combustion and Pyrolysis Chemistry Laboratory, and Plasma-Assisted Fuel Reforming Laboratory.