Al-Ajlan Mosque is a historic mosque built over 350 years ago in al-Sabbakh Neighborhood, south of Buraydah City in Qassim Province. It is distinguished by its Najdi architectural style, constructed from mud and stone, with a roof made of tamarisk wood and palm fronds. The mosque is considered a significant religious and archaeological landmark in Buraydah City.
Role of al-Ajlan Mosque
Al-Ajlan Mosque gained prominence since its construction for its educational programs, such as teaching writing and memorizing the Quran for the local community. It also served as a venue for discussions and meetings aimed at resolving issues and disputes among residents.
Location of al-Ajlan Mosque
Al-Ajlan Mosque is located outside the old wall of Buraydah, on King Abdulaziz Road in the old farming area. It is approximately 7.5 km southeast of Buraydah City Municipality. The mosque has a total area of about ninety mand can accommodate approximately thirty-three worshippers.
The mosque's facilities consist of a prayer house with two aisles parallel to the Qibla wall, a courtyard made up of an open yard surrounded by a wall on three sides, and several facilities, including ablution areas and a modern restroom, in addition to a minaret made of iron on its northern side.
Development of al-Ajlan Mosque
The development of al-Ajlan Mosque began after it was included in the first phase of the Mohammed Bin Salman Project for the Development of Historical Mosques in 2018.
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