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National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

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National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances
4 min read

The National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergencies is a strategy developed by the General Authority of Meteorology and Environmental Protection (now the National Center of Meteorology). The plan was approved by a resolution from the Council of Ministers in 1991 to align with the policies of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding oil exploration, production, and transportation of oil and other harmful substances to mitigate environmental, health, and economic damage resulting from such activities.

Objectives of the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

The National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergencies aims to establish an immediate response and coordination system to protect the Kingdom's marine environment and coasts from pollution. It seeks to maximize regional and international resources and fulfill the Kingdom's commitments under regional and international agreements related to marine environmental protection and any other relevant agreements to which the Kingdom is a party.

Levels of response operations in the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

The National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergencies defines in its third article three levels of response operations as follows:

1. National-level pollution control response.

2. Pollution control response in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf regions.

3. Local-level pollution control response.

Scope of the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

The National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergencies branches out into two pathways:

Regional plans pathway: covering the Kingdom's exclusive economic zone in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf.

Local plans pathway: focusing on domestic plans for marine and coastal installations and facilities.

Entities responsible for implementing the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

Various activities related to pollution emergency response operations are assigned to the National Center of Meteorology and relevant entities involved in maritime and coastal activities or facilities. The roles of the National Center of Meteorology include:

1. Coordination: It involves coordinating the activities of all other relevant entities involved in pollution response operations based on prior arrangements agreed upon between the presidency (the center) and these entities.

2. Surveying, monitoring, and observation: This involves collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, the Saudi Ports Authority (Mawani), and the General Directorate of Civil Defense and Border Guard to survey, monitor, and observe the waters of the Saudi economic zone, using financial resources provided by the plan's budget.

3. Protection: By obliging all entities with marine or coastal facilities to provide the necessary protection for their premises, personnel, and equipment.

4. Combat: Relevent entities responsible for combat operations within their designated areas must secure the necessary equipment and personnel based on previously agreed standards with the National Center of Meteorology while the center handles operations outside these areas.

5. Cleaning: Related entities are responsible for cleaning operations within their designated areas and securing necessary equipment and personnel based on prior agreements with the National Center of Meteorology, which handles cleaning operations outside these areas.

6. Oil Disposal: The National Center of Meteorology, in consultation with relevant entities, determines appropriate locations and methods for disposing of collected oil and related contaminated waste.

7. Preparing studies: The National Center of Meteorology conducts appropriate scientific studies in collaboration with national universities and research centers.

Implementation procedures of the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

The implementation procedures for pollution incident response depend on several factors, such as the size of the incident, its location, and the type of contaminant. The procedures are taken as follows:

1. Notification: Entities responsible for marine and coastal facilities, or those engaged in marine activities, such as Border Guards, Royal Saudi Naval Forces, fishing companies, pilots, etc., are required to report any pollution they observe to the regional coordinator or the National Center of Meteorology.

2. Assessment: The regional operations committee convenes to evaluate the situation. This includes classifying the pollution, determining the need for containment and cleanup operations, assessing alternatives for cleanup, and finally taking necessary actions to initiate response efforts according to the regional plan.

3. Containment and prevention measures: Response officials implement several actions, including tracking and stopping the source of the pollution, setting up containment barriers to limit the spread of pollution, minimizing the damage from the pollution event, and using dispersants.

4. Cleanup and disposal operations: Response officials use, if needed, appropriate means, such as skimmers, absorbent materials, dredgers, and other means, following the regional plan's priorities. The regional operations committee oversees and monitors the process.

5. Documentation: The regional operations committee, along with response officials, collects the necessary information and documents to identify the parties responsible for pollution incidents, estimate costs, and conduct environmental impact studies. Documentation includes photos, videos, field records, reports, samples, etc.

Funding the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution and Harmful Substances

The activities related to responding to pollution incidents outlined in the National Plan to Combat Marine Pollution by Oil and Other Harmful Substances in Emergencies are funded from the allocations designated by the National Center of Meteorology in its budget and that of other relevant entities participating in the pollution combat, each in its capacity according to the plan.