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Down Syndrome Charitable Association (DSCA)

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Down Syndrome Charitable Association (DSCA)
2 min read

The Down Syndrome Charitable Association (DSCA) is a Saudi charitable organization dedicated to children with Down Syndrome and their families in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Established on the initiative of the parents of affected children and several individuals interested in the rehabilitation and training of those with special needs, the association was registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs (currently the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development) on August 14, 2002. Its main center is located in the capital, Riyadh.

The condition known as Down Syndrome is scientifically called Trisomy 21. This name refers to a chromosomal abnormality that occurs on pair number 21, where a third chromosome is added to the pair. It was named Down Syndrome after the scientist Down, who described the case of the disease.

Down Syndrome Charitable Association objectives

The association aims to provide training programs and offers a range of services and support to families to care for their children with Down Syndrome, ensuring their self-reliance and social integration.

The association aims to provide a variety of services, including education and rehabilitation for children with Down Syndrome at all age stages. It supports rehabilitation and healthcare services for these children and their families. Additionally, the association offers information and auxiliary services to the families of these children. It also professionally trains educators and instructors in the field of Trisomy 21 and intellectual disabilities, through the development of training materials and programs.

DSCA programs

The Down Syndrome Charitable Association offers eighteen programs to serve children and their families, including: vocational education classes, job preparation, home visit services, behavior modification programs, speech therapy services, and individual training for mothers.

Funding of DSCA

DSCA relies on its funding from government grants, donations, endowments, zakat, membership fees, returns on the association's property investments, support provided by the Association Support Fund, and revenues from financially profitable activities.