The Saudi Society of Optometry is a specialized scientific community in the field of optometry and vision sciences in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was established on April 29, 2007, and is overseen by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. Its main headquarters is located in the capital, Riyadh.
The society is subject to the Implementing Regulations of the Law of Civil Society Associations and Organizations. It obtains its funding from membership fees, donations, bequests, endowments, government grants, returns on the investment of its properties, and the support allocated to it from the Associations Support Fund.
The Saudi Society of Optometry objectives
The society aims to provide opportunities for those working in the fields of the society's specialization and interests to contribute to scientific and professional advancement and to help develop the skills of healthcare practitioners. It facilitates the exchange of scientific production and scientific and professional ideas. Moreover, it provides scientific consultancy, conducts necessary studies to elevate the performance standards of relevant institutions and bodies, and offers technical advice to healthcare entities. It also evaluates healthcare facilities for their accreditation to provide services, participates in assessing the scientific and professional qualifications and performance of practitioners in the society's field, and actively supports the departments of the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and serves healthcare practitioners.
Activities of the Saudi Society of Optometry
The Society offers various services that contribute to improving the art and science of optometry. It enhances the educational outcome of specialists through scientific events and maintains high standards within the profession to deliver services that satisfy all members of Society. The society addresses the community's needs for eye care through clinical care, research, and education, thereby enhancing the quality of life. It also explores volunteer opportunities in line with Saudi Vision 2030.
In 2022, the society organized the Seventh Saudi Conference and the Third Regional Conference of the Eastern Mediterranean Council of Optometry. This event took place in Riyadh City and saw participation from optometry specialists from around the world. The conference addressed vision problems and eye diseases, such as severe myopia, keratoconus, visual issues in children, and primary eye care.
Startegies of the Saudi Society of Optometry
The Saudi Society of Optometry conducts its activities through a set of strategies. Specifically, the Professional Development Committee's strategy focuses on organizing a regular international scientific conference, highlighting the Kingdom's role in the field of optometry and eye health and diversifying scientific days across the Kingdom. Meanwhile, the Media Committee's strategy takes on the task of clarifying the role of optometry specialists within the medical team through all available scientific means. This includes communicating with specialists, facilitating their access to the society, and forging partnerships with specialized entities. As for the Scientific Committee's strategy, it focuses on continuously supporting specialists in research, attracting both local and international talents based on their qualifications to deliver quality lectures to enhance the specialization.
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