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Fitri Platform

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Fitri Platform
2 min read

Fitri Platform is a government electronic services platform launched by the National Center for Wildlife in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on November 4, 2020. It specializes in issuing licenses for import, export, hunting, and other activities related to wildlife and their products.

The platform facilitates the process of obtaining licenses for activities related to wildlife and their products, classified under the Environmental Law and its executive regulations, and international agreements in this regard, such as: the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) implemented by the National Center for Wildlife Development.

Objectives of Fitri Platform

Fitri Platform was launched to facilitate procedures for citizens and beneficiaries and improve the performance of services provided by the National Center for Wildlife Development. Moreover, the platform seeks to connect electronically with the platforms of relevant parties that support the center by organizing these activities, such as the Ministry of Interior, the Directorate of Animal Resources at the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing, and other supporting agencies to facilitate the provision of services. The platform also supports inspectors in monitoring, as well as controlling and documenting violations electronically.

Services of Fitri Platform

Fitri Platform aims to provide services to the individual sector, the business sector, and the government sector, as the platform launched five basic services with other sub-services:

The first service provides various licenses, including the import and export service which involves issuing an import license, export license, re-export license, sea permits, and issuing a replacement for damaged or lost trading licenses.

The second service involves services for dealing with wildlife, such as issuing a certificate of ownership, falcon passports, transit licenses, acquisition licenses, display licenses, transfer licenses, and licenses to transfer ownership of wildlife.

The third service specializes in activities related to wildlife, such as issuing licenses for scientific centers, plant herbaria, shelter centers, selling living wildlife, selling wildlife products, and breeding centers.

The fourth service is concerned with licensing services, including the cancellation and renewal of trading licenses.

The fifth service issues hunting permits, including hunting licenses and permits to visit reserves.