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Al-Khalifa Heritage Museum

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Al-Khalifa Heritage Museum
2 min read

Al-Khalifa Heritage Museum is a licensed private museum under the Museums Commission in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is located in al-Ahsa Governorate in the Eastern Province and spans an area of three hundred m. The museum houses approximately five thousand rare artifacts collected over twenty years, making it a valuable source of information about the heritage of al-Ahsa Governorate in particular and the Eastern Province in general.

Contents of al-Khalifa Heritage Museum

Al-Khalifa Heritage Museum is owned by Hussain Ali Abdullah al-Khalifa, who established it in the garden of his home in al-Shurufiyyah neighborhood in al-Mubarraz City, al-Ahsa Governorate. Al-Khalifa Museum consists of two floors and includes several sections. It is designed to resemble al-Qaisariyah Market, one of the historic traditional markets in al-Hufuf, al-Ahsa. The museum features sixteen small shops, each representing a historical profession, equipped with heritage tools and instruments specific to that craft, such as grocery shops, coffeehouses, blacksmiths, carpenters, tailors, and Bedouin tools, among others.

Sections of al-Khalifa Heritage Museum

Some of the artifacts housed in al-Khalifa Heritage Museum are organized into halls dedicated to each section, including a corner for weapons such as swords, daggers, rifles, and spears, a corner for coffee utensils, another for cooking utensils, a hall for agricultural equipment, a hall for women’s clothing and jewelry, and a corner for old educational tools and methods. Additionally, there is a special Aramco section showcasing vintage Aramco artifacts, and a guest reception area (Majlis) replicating the traditional al-Ahsa Diwaniyah. This diversity and wide range of options have made the museum a key destination for researchers to explore archaeological artifacts, verify information for their studies, and obtain physical, dimensional, and informational details about the tools and items within the museum.