Al-Sultani Museum, also known as the Northern Heritage Museum, is a private heritage museum located in Ar'ar City, the administrative capital of the Northern Borders Province in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It was founded by Ahmed Ruwaidan al-Sultani.
Artifacts of al-Sultani Museum
Al-Sultani Museum houses heritage pieces collected by its founder over more than a quarter of a century during his journey of acquiring traditional artifacts. Some items were gifted by friends and relatives of the founder, while others were purchased.
The museum documents aspects of the modern history of the Northern Borders Province and showcases artifacts and tools used in the past, including items once owned by nomadic Bedouins and the province's residents. It aims to acquaint visitors—officials, diplomats, students, and locals—with the history and heritage of the Northern Borders Province.
The museum features old household items made of copper, such as traditional coffee pots, pitchers, and food containers. It also includes Sadu weaving materials and tools, light weapons, swords, daggers, cutting tools, and items used during the early development of the province at the time of the Tapline, which stretched from al-Qaysumah in Hafr al-Batin Governorate in the Eastern Province to Sidon in southern Lebanon.
Display method at al-Sultani Museum
Al-Sultani Museum displays ancient artifacts and tools used in the past in a way that reflects the era of those antiquities and their significance in the life of the community. The artifacts are presented in a manner that immerses visitors in the atmosphere of the place as it once was. The museum occupies part of Ahmed al-Sultani's home, where visitors can view hundreds of artifacts, traditional tools, and heritage items that vary in their historical significance.
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