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List of the Sports Boulevard Project Destinations

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List of the Sports Boulevard Project Destinations
2 min read

The Sports Boulevard Project is one of four megaprojects in Riyadh City, launched on March 19, 2019. Spanning 135 km, the project includes various destinations, each featuring paths, spaces, and experiences designed to promote a healthy lifestyle and provide diverse entertainment options. These destinations are:

- Wadi Hanifa Destination: Spanning twenty km from Sadd al-Alab in the north to Jeddah Road in the south, it features paths for pedestrians, cyclists, and horse riders, along with rest areas, green spaces, and bicycle parking stations.

- The Promenade Destination: Spanning five km from Diriyah in the west to Suwayd Bin Harithah Street in the east, it offers dedicated paths for cycling, walking, and running.

- The Urban Wadi Destination: Spanning 4.5 km from Suwayd Bin Harithah Street in the west to ar-Rub' al-Khali Road in the east. It includes a water canal, designated investment areas, and multiple pathways.

- The Entertainment Destination: Spanning three km from ar-Rub' al-Khali Road in the west to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Road in the east, it features multiple pathways, a bicycle station, various entertainment areas, and a cinematic arts building.

- The Athletics Destination: Spanning four km from Abu Bakr as-Siddiq Road in the west to King Khalid International Airport Road in the east, it includes a sports tower, several open sports fields, service stations, visitor service areas, and investment zones.

- Wadi al-Sulai Destination: Spanning forty-three km from King Fahd Stadium in the south to King Salman Park in Banban in the north, this area includes multiple sports paths and several service stations.

- The Environmental Destination: Spanning fifteen km from King Khalid International Airport Road in the west to al-Janadria Road in the east, it includes agricultural zones, greenhouses, open spaces for recreation, multiple paths, and stations.

- The Sands Sports Destination: Covering an area of approximately seventeen million m² in the sandy region southeast of King Khalid International Airport. It is adorned with the Najdi Rose inside, symbolizing the authenticity of Najdi heritage. It includes dedicated paths for horseback riding, walking, mountain hiking, and running, as well as BMX tracks for mountain biking, along with several service stations.