What Are the Jurisdictions of the Courts of the Board of Grievances?

The Board of Grievances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is divided into three courts: the Supreme Administrative Court, the Administrative Appeal Courts, and the Administrative Courts. The Supreme Administrative Court is competent in reviewing objectives to judgments issued by the Administrative Appeal Courts, while the latter handle cases brought before them by Administrative Courts, and adjudicate upon these cases after hearing the involved parties in accordance with the relevant statutory proceedings.
Administrative Courts adjudicate upon several cases, including lawsuits related to rights granted under the civil and military services laws, pensions attributed to government employees and servants, entities having an independent public legal personality or their heirs and beneficiaries, claims for the annulment of final administrative decisions submitted by the concerned parties, where the appeal is based on lack of jurisdiction, errors in form or grounds, violation of laws and regulations, erroneous application or interpretation, or abuse of powers. Cases also include disciplinary decisions and those issued by semi-judicial committees and disciplinary councils, as well as requests for executing foreign judgments and foreign arbitration awards.
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