Marid Archaeological Castle is located in al-Dar'i Neighborhood, at the southern end of Dumat al-Jandal Governorate, al-Jawf Province, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The castle was built upon a rocky plateau at an altitude of around six hundred m above sea level. It overlooks Dumat al-Jandal and its surrounding areas.
Marid Archaeological Castle owes its name to being an impenetrable fortress that enemies could not break into. It is worthy of note that Queen Zenobia of the Palmyrene Empire attempted to invade the fortress but failed. She said, "Marid has rebelled, and Ablaq has glorified."
The castle comprises buildings, forts, and watchtowers. Research and excavations conducted in 1976 unveiled Nabataean and Roman ceramics dating back to the first and second AD centuries.
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