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Research, Development, and Innovation Authority

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Research, Development, and Innovation Authority
2 min read

The Research, Development, and Innovation Authority (RDIA) is a government agency enjoying administrative and financial autonomy. It was established in 2021, following the decision of the Council of Ministers. It is competent in terms of supporting and encouraging the sector of research, development, and innovation, coordinating the activities of scientific research centers and establishments, proposing policies and regulations, and offering funding for the sector. It reports to the Prime Minister and has a board of directors consisting of several members.

The authority contributes to promoting the status of the Kingdom, fostering its position and advancement in the field of scientific research, enabling its establishment as a leading global hub in the field, and contributing to the achievement of Saudi Vision 2030. The authority attaches utmost attention to promoting the development, research, and innovation ecosystem through supporting, overseeing, and regulating this sector. It also seeks to achieve alignment among research bodies, ensure coordination between them, enable, and motivate them.

Work of the Research, Development, and Innovation Authority

RDIA works on encouraging and supporting developers, researchers, and innovators. It seeks to foster international cooperation among researchers, develop the innovation ecosystem at universities, and enable the global competition of researchers in the fields of research and innovation. The interest that the Kingdom has taken in the sector of innovation and research contributed to its leading ranking, among Arab countries, on the 2021 Nature Index, where the Kingdom was one of the top fifty countries leading in the field of scientific research. The Kingdom ranked second in this respect among the African, West Asian, and Middle Eastern countries.

RDIA's board of directors

RDIA has a board of directors chaired by the Prime Minister. The board consists of a member representing the Ministry of Education, a member from the Saudi Authority for Data and Artificial Intelligence, a member from the Local Content and Government Procurement Authority, a member from the Small and Medium Enterprises General Authority, and a member from the National Industrial Development Center. It also consists of three members from the private sector and two members from the scientific research and university establishments sectors.

RDIA management

RDIA seeks to achieve cooperation and integration among research institutions, entities, and universities. It also aims to provide self-generated resources for fostering scientific research within universities. The Supreme Committee for Research, Development, and Innovation was formed and chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed Bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, crown prince.

RDIA seeks to serve as a link between scientific research in Saudi universities and the industrial community. It supports universities to capitalize on outstanding talents in research, development, and innovation. It encourages universities to conduct research studies to offer solutions for current and prospective national problems.

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