Al-Mada Mosque is located in Al Murabba District in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. It is on the eastern side of the King Abdulaziz Historical Center.
Al-Madi Mosque was demolished and rebuilt when the King Abdulaziz Historical Center was inaugurated in 1998. It was reconstructed on the same original site, and the area and size of its buildings were expanded. The mosque was designed to harmonize with the buildings of the King Abdulaziz Center, inspired by the urban, cultural, and civilizational environment of Riyadh Province.
The mosque is characterized by its domes, arches, and vaults, and it was built using load-bearing walls and compressed earth blocks, which form architectural elements imposed by the mosque's construction techniques. It is one of the early architectural structures to adopt these techniques. The mosque's dimensions are estimated at twenty-five by fourteen m, with a height of six m. It can accommodate up to five hundred worshippers, and its minaret reaches a height of about eighteen m.
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