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The Game of The Fox Passed

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The Game of The Fox Passed
2 min read

The Game of The Fox Passed (al-Tha'alab Fat) is one of the traditional games in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is played by boys or girls alike. It is a group game that only requires a handkerchief and is not restricted by a specific number of players or a particular location.

Tools for the Game of The Fox Passed

The Game of The Fox Passed is a simple game that only requires a handkerchief or any other piece of cloth to serve as a marker for the player who will run and chase their companion. A number of children gather for this game, which requires a group to play.

How to play the Game of the Fox Passed

A number of children sit in a circle, with one standing to represent the fox. The fox player walks around the circle holding a handkerchief or piece of cloth, while the rest of the children close their eyes. The fox calls out, "The fox passed, passed," and the rest of the children respond with the chant, "And in its tail are seven twists." The fox tries to quietly and quickly place the handkerchief behind one of the children without them noticing. When the child discovers the handkerchief behind them, they must run after the fox and catch them. Meanwhile, the fox tries to quickly sit in the spot of the child who is chasing them before getting caught. The players are allowed to run in any direction. Once the fox successfully sits down, the other child takes the role of the fox, grabs the handkerchief, and the game starts again.