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The Game of Shureikh al-Sharkh

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The Game of Shureikh al-Sharkh
2 min read

The Game of Shureikh al-Sharkh, also known as (Ajar al-Milh) or (Horse Game), is a traditional game played by youth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This game was known to the Arabs in ancient times and was called (al-Tadbij). The game is based on jumping and requires physical strength, agility, and quickness in movement. Due to regional differences, the game of Shureikh al-Sharkh has been given various names, including (al-Takanbuh) in al-Qatif, (al-Khatra) in al-Hufuf, and (al-Shaqh) in Eastern Province.

How to play the game of Shureikh al-Sharkh

The game of Shureikh al-Sharkh is played in a safe, sandy area and can be practiced at any time, day or night. The game begins with a draw among the players, and the one chosen by the draw takes the role of the "horse" or the "mother." This player then bends over in a kneeling position. A few meters away, the other players line up behind each other and begin to jump alternately over the "horse" (the bent-over player). The jumping technique is as follows: while jumping, the player supports themselves with their hands on the bent-over player and then passes their legs and body over without touching the player. During the game, they repeat a chant (Shureikh al-Sharkh, Yadhb al-Farkh, Djajatna, Arqaytiyah, Tabid al-Bayd, Kul Asriyah, wa Abu Qadidah, Taht al-Udayda, Laqa Walidh, wa Atrad Yadha, wa Atrad Yabn Matrod, Shid al-Tali, Ya al-Khaltali, Abu Maghamis, Kam Yalmes).

When a player touches the horse (the bent-over player) with their leg or body, or makes a mistake in reciting the words, they replace the horse player and the other players take turns jumping over them, while the one who was bent over joins the jumping players, and so the game continues.

The horse player (the bent-over one) makes it difficult for the players to jump in the game. If a player is quick and enthusiastic in jumping and reciting the chant, the bent-over player tries to reduce their level of bending.