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Automated Early Warning System

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Automated Early Warning System
1 min read

The Automated Early Warning System is a weather alert and warning system for general and severe weather phenomena in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, such as cyclones and heavy rains. It works to identify the times and locations expected to be affected and promptly inform the public and beneficiaries. The system is overseen by​ the National Center of Meteorology, which was established in 2019, and operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture.

Functions of the Automated Early Warning System

The Automated Early Warning System categorizes areas using four primary colors: green, yellow, orange, and red. Each color represents a different level of alert and information. The green color is a notification which is information about the possibility of regions of the Kingdom being exposed to weather effects and conditions, the yellow color expresses the possibility that certain regions will be affected by a weather phenomenon, the orange color is an advanced warning about weather phenomena and it is recommended to take precautions and be careful, while the red color is an explicit warning of the occurrence of severe weather changes such as floods. The red alert activates Civil Defense instructions and preventive measures for the safety of residents and travelers in the area marked in red.

The system automatically identifies locations on the map and color-codes them. It is supported by a set of icons on the same map, which, when clicked, provide details about the alert's nature, status, location, expected start time, and estimated end time.

Launch of the Automated Early Warning System

It has been launched as part of the free and open-source government software strategy package, which aims to enhance leadership in modern information technologies and the development of software products, which includes the environmental sector in the Kingdom, especially aspects of technical development.