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What Services Does the Entrustment and Liquidation Center Provide?

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What Services Does the Entrustment and Liquidation Center Provide?
interrogative article
3 min read

The Entrustment and Liquidation Center "Infath" provides two types of services: liquidation and consultancy, as it is a specialized and expert entity in the field of liquidation and sales.

"Infath" is a government center with legal personality, administratively and financially independent. It aims to achieve cooperation between judicial and governmental entities in the tasks of liquidation and sale of assets assigned to it by judicial entities or those without pending legal disputes. This is done by entrusting these tasks to technically specialized entities and supervising their work, contributing to preserving asset values, expediting the process of fulfilling rights, and achieving the judicial and economic value the center is responsible for.

Liquidation services

Liquidation services are a set of activities aimed at concluding ongoing operations to settle all rights and debts, and determining the net amount of funds to be distributed among the relevant parties, after fulfilling debts and obligations to third parties.

The center functions as a supporting expertise house in supervising the liquidation of movable and immovable assets, appointing experts and service providers, supervising the conduct of auctions, and managing all aspects related to the asset liquidation process.

Liquidation includes estates, companies, funds, contributions, asset sales, and other assets assigned to it by judicial and governmental entities, or those submitted by the private sector or individuals, according to regulatory procedures. This is achieved by entrusting these tasks to technically specialized entities in the business sector and supervising their work to expedite the process of fulfilling rights and maximizing asset values.

Sections of liquidation

The Sections of Liquidation include the Liquidation of Public Properties: Managing the liquidation of unutilized public assets. "Infath" contributes to increasing spending efficiency for government entities by acting as an expert in supervising the liquidation of all types of assets and supervising auctions requested by government sectors. This includes utilizing the center's expertise in evaluation, pricing, and sale supervision

Judicial Liquidation is also included, where "Infath" aims to achieve cooperation with judicial entities through the provision of judicial liquidation services, which encompass bankruptcy, estates, and legal disputes. The center handles tasks related to liquidation and sales assigned by judicial entities, entrusting them to technically specialized entities and supervising their work. This contributes to expediting the fulfillment of rights following the issuance of judicial rulings.

Additionally, there is the Liquidation of Private Property. "Infath" acts as a liaison between the public and private sectors to ensure these cases are resolved more quickly and efficiently, while adhering to privacy standards. The scope of liquidation for such properties includes stocks, real estate, precious jewelry, and more.

Also included is the Liquidation of Individuals' Properties, where "Infath" places special emphasis on individual cases related to the liquidation of estates, companies, funds, contributions, the sale of assets, private properties, and other funds. This is considered a supportive function of the judicial system and contributes to reducing legal disputes.

Consultancy services

The "Infath" center offers its expertise in consultancy services requested by its clients, acting as a specialized and expert entity in the field of liquidation and sales.

Through full and clear cooperation and sharing of requirements, the center works to respond quickly to client issues and find the right solutions, while adhering to standards of privacy, quality, and efficiency in performance. The center also contributes by providing regulatory opinions to ensure the fulfillment of rights and verifying the validity of transactions and procedures followed by the consultation seeker. This is done through the "Infath" platform by a professional and specialized team capable of offering consultancy services in liquidation activities, thereby saving time, effort, and money for all parties involved.

Steps for providing consultancy services

The steps for providing consultancy services are as follows:

  • Creating a new project and submitting it by registering on the Infath electronic platform.
  • Defining the "Scope of Work" for external consultancy service providers.
  • Soliciting bids from registered and approved service providers on the Infath electronic platform if necessary.
  • If a service provider is engaged, awarding the project and enabling the service providers according to the defined scope of work.
  • Providing consultancy services according to the project's requirements.
  • The center supervises the workflow to ensure the implementation of quality standards.
  • Submitting a final report and closing the project by the center.