Yes, there are awards dedicated to folk literature in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, mainly the King Abdulaziz Award for Folk Literature. This annual award is one of the events of the King Abdulaziz Camel Festival, which is dedicated to camel races. Established in 2017, the award includes the arts of folk literature in three fields: Al-Shailat (oral poetry), Nabati poetry, and debate.
The award has a judging committee that includes several specialists in the field. The King Abdulaziz Award for Folk Literature provides prizes for the winners in the competition tracks, with a total prize pool of SAR24 million; SAR5 million for the first-place winner in al-Shailat track, SAR5 million for the first-place winner in the debate track, and SAR5 million for the Nabati poetry track. The second-place winner in each track receives SAR2 million, and the third-place winner in each track receives SAR1 million.
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