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Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity
3 min read

The Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity is a specialized award in the field of architectural and urban innovation. It was launched by Riyadh Province Municipality on August 6, 2023, to improve the quality of projects in Riyadh City and the province's governorates. The award has two categories: Architecture and Landscaping and Urban Design.

Objectives of the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity

The Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity aims to enhance the quality of projects, promote concepts of architectural and urban innovation, and increase public awareness of the importance of architectural and urban projects presented by the public, private, and non-profit sectors. The award seeks to highlight outstanding practices among professionals and enthusiasts in the fields of urban planning and design. It also aims to encourage architects, planners, urban designers, and practitioners in related disciplines to focus on the quality of project outcomes, as well as contribute to the technological development of the design, construction, and building sectors.

Target categories for the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity

Riyadh Municipality targets several categories in the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity, including: the public and private sectors, non-profit sectors, professionals and enthusiasts in the fields of architecture and urban planning, architects, planners, urban designers, and those interested in the quality of project outcomes.

Categories of the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity

The Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity consists of two categories: the Architecture Award and the Landscape and Urban Design Award. Projects eligible to participate include: residential buildings, office and commercial buildings, mixed-use buildings, cultural and educational buildings, healthcare facilities, housing projects, environmental projects, parks and recreational areas, sports and entertainment buildings, and transportation and traffic sector buildings.

Winners of the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity are honored in several ways, including: placing a medal on the entrance of the winning project, featuring the award's logo and the year it was received. Their projects are showcased at the award ceremony, displayed in international magazines, and may be nominated for global awards. Winners also receive a certificate that "enhances the classification and qualification of various projects" and a supplement about the project in a magazine featuring all nominated and winning projects.

Specific conditions for the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity Project

To qualify for the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity, there are conditions that should be fulfilled: the project must be existing in Riyadh Province and be built and operated within the last five years. If the project has previously won an award in any of the award cycles, it is not eligible to apply again. The building must have a completion certificate to compete in the Architecture Award category and a proof of occupancy or inauguration date for the Urban Design and Landscape Award category.

Applications for the award are submitted through the award's official website by completing the project registration. Applicants can participate in up to five projects per cycle. Parties involved with the project, such as the owner, designer, developer, or contractor, are eligible to compete for the award. The Municipality has the right to nominate one or more projects to compete for the award and may request additional information or documents from applicants or nominees for the final evaluation stage, which is the judging phase.

Stages of the Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity

The Municipality's Award for Architectural and Urban Creativity goes through four stages:

- The launch and application stage, where noteworthy projects completed in Riyadh Province within the last five years are submitted for consideration in the award.

- The conclusion of the submission period stage.

- The evaluation and arbitration stage, lasting for four weeks, involves a panel of experts and university professors specialized in the field.

- The awards ceremony stage, where prizes are bestowed upon the winners of first, second, and third places.